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function _twitter_actions_get_twitter_id in Twitter 7.6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.5 twitter_actions/twitter_actions.module \_twitter_actions_get_twitter_id()
  2. 7.5 twitter_actions/twitter_actions.module \_twitter_actions_get_twitter_id()

Validates the Twitter account to use to send a Tweet.

If it is a Twitter account, it will check it still exists. If it is [current user], it will see if the current user has an authenticated Twitter account to use.


string $screen_name: The selected value that represents a Twitter account to use.

Return value

Integer the Twitter ID of the account to use or NULL.

2 calls to _twitter_actions_get_twitter_id()
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twitter_actions_set_status_action in twitter_actions/twitter_actions.module
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twitter_actions/twitter_actions.module, line 123
Exposes Drupal actions for sending Twitter messages.


function _twitter_actions_get_twitter_id($screen_name) {
  $twitter_uid = NULL;

  // Find out the Twitter ID to use.
  if ($screen_name == '[current user]') {

    // Check if this user has an authenticated account.
    global $user;
    $account = user_load($user->uid);
    foreach ($account->twitter_accounts as $twitter_account) {
      if ($twitter_account
        ->is_auth()) {
        $twitter_uid = $twitter_account->id;
  else {
    module_load_include('inc', 'twitter');
    $twitter_account = twitter_account_load($screen_name);
    if (!empty($twitter_account)) {
      return $twitter_account->twitter_uid;
  return NULL;