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function twitter_filter_message in Twitter 6.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.6 twitter.module \twitter_filter_message()
  2. 7.5 twitter.module \twitter_filter_message()

Convert embedded URLs, hashtags and usernames in a tweet to links.


string $message: The tweet's text.

bool $usernames: Whether or not to convert usernames to links. Defaults to TRUE.

bool $hashtags: Whether or not to convert hashtags to links. Defaults to TRUE.

bool $attributes: Whether or not to add extra attributes to links. Defaults to TRUE.

bool $urls: Whether or not to convert other URLs to links. Defaults to TRUE.

Return value

string The filtered tweet text.

1 call to twitter_filter_message()
twitter_views_handler_field_xss::render in ./
Processes the message through the selected options.


./twitter.module, line 377
Provides API integration with the Twitter microblogging service.


function twitter_filter_message($message, $usernames = TRUE, $hashtags = TRUE, $attributes = TRUE, $urls = TRUE) {

  // Link usernames with their profiles.
  if ($usernames) {
    $message = _twitter_filter_username($message);

  // Link hashtags.
  if ($hashtags) {
    $message = _twitter_filter_hashtag($message);

  // Add extra attributes to links.
  if ($attributes) {
    $message = _twitter_filter_link($message);

  // Standard URLs.
  if ($urls) {
    $message = _filter_url($message, FILTER_DEFAULT);

  // Avoid XSS within the message.
  return filter_xss($message);