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function hook_twitter_account_save in Twitter 6.5

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.3 twitter.api.php \hook_twitter_account_save()
  2. 7.4 twitter.api.php \hook_twitter_account_save()
  3. 7.5 twitter.api.php \hook_twitter_account_save()

Notify of a saved twitter account.

This hook is invoked by twitter_account_save() whenever a new Twitter account is added or an existing one updated (on new statuses being imported or import settings being changed).


array $values: An associative array containing, for new accounts or for accounts being updated when new statuses are imported:

  • screen_name: (string) Twitter "handle", e.g. 'juampytest'.
  • name: (string) display name, e.g. 'Juampy Test Account'.
  • location: (string) location, if any.
  • description: (string) description, if any.
  • followers_count: (int) the number of followers.
  • friends_count: (int) the number of accounts given account is following.
  • statuses_count: (int) the number of statuses.
  • favourites_count: (int) the number of favorited statuses (note British spelling here).
  • url: (string) URL, if any.
  • protected: (int 0|1) whether the account is protected.
  • profile_image_url: (string) profile image URL; may point to one of default images.
  • profile_background_color: (string) hex color code, e.g. 'BEDEAD'.
  • profile_text_color: (string) hex color code, e.g. 'BEDEAD'.
  • profile_link_color: (string) hex color code, e.g. 'BEDEAD'.
  • profile_sidebar_fill_color: (string) hex color code, e.g. 'BEDEAD'.
  • profile_sidebar_border_color: (string) hex color code, e.g. 'BEDEAD'.
  • profile_background_image_url: (string) profile background image URL; may point to one of default backgrounds.
  • profile_background_tile: (int 0|1) whether the background image is tiled. How exactly does this setting work?
  • verified: (int 0|1) whether the account is verified.
  • created_at: (string) the time account was created, e.g. 'Thu Oct 13 10:21:00 +0000 2011'.
  • created_time: (int) UNIX timestamp of account creation time, e.g. 1318501260.
  • utc_offset: (int) timezone offset in seconds, e.g. 7200.
  • twitter_uid: (int) Twitter user ID of the account, e.g. 390017783.

In addition to that, $values for authenticated accounts contains also:

  • oauth_token: (string) OAuth token.
  • oauth_token_secret: (string) OAuth secret.

For new accounts being added, $values contains also:

  • uid: (string) user ID of the user adding the account, e.g. '1'. NOTE: this is not necessarily connected to the account being saved and may well be administrator's user ID. The presence of this key, however, lets you tell apart new accounts from accounts being updated.

For accounts whose import settings are being updated on admin/settings/twitter page, $values contains ONLY the following keys:

  • screen_name: (string) Twitter "handle", e.g. 'juampytest'.
  • import: (int 0|1) whether statuses of this account are being imported.
  • mention: (int 0|1) (only for authenticated accounts) whether mentions of this account are being imported.
  • twitter_uid: (string) Twitter user ID of the account, e.g. '390017783'.

Note that pressing 'Save changes' button saves all accounts on the page, regardless of whether the settings have been changed or not.

See also


1 invocation of hook_twitter_account_save()
twitter_account_save in ./
Saves a TwitterUser object to {twitter_account}.


./twitter.api.php, line 92
Describe hooks provided by Twitter module.


function hook_twitter_account_save($values) {
  if (isset($values['uid'])) {
    watchdog('twitter', 'A new Twitter account %handle has been added.', array(
      '%handle' => $values['screen_name'],
  else {
    watchdog('twitter', 'Twitter account %handle has been updated.', array(
      '%handle' => $values['screen_name'],