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class LintCommand in Twig Tweak 3.1.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 3.x src/Command/LintCommand.php \Drupal\twig_tweak\Command\LintCommand

Command that will validate your template syntax and output encountered errors.

@author Marc Weistroff <> @author Jérôme Tamarelle <>


  • class \Drupal\twig_tweak\Command\LintCommand extends \Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command

Expanded class hierarchy of LintCommand


src/Command/LintCommand.php, line 38


View source
class LintCommand extends Command {
  protected static $defaultName = 'lint:twig';
  private $twig;
  public function __construct(Environment $twig) {
    $this->twig = $twig;
  protected function configure() {
      ->setDescription('Lints a template and outputs encountered errors')
      ->addOption('format', null, InputOption::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'The output format', 'txt')
      ->addOption('show-deprecations', null, InputOption::VALUE_NONE, 'Show deprecations as errors')
      ->addArgument('filename', InputArgument::IS_ARRAY, 'A file, a directory or "-" for reading from STDIN')
The <info></info> command lints a template and outputs to STDOUT
the first encountered syntax error.

You can validate the syntax of contents passed from STDIN:

  <info>cat filename | php %command.full_name% -</info>

Or the syntax of a file:

  <info>php %command.full_name% filename</info>

Or of a whole directory:

  <info>php %command.full_name% dirname</info>
  <info>php %command.full_name% dirname --format=json</info>

  protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) {
    $io = new SymfonyStyle($input, $output);
    $filenames = $input
    $showDeprecations = $input
    if ([
    ] === $filenames) {
      return $this
        ->display($input, $output, $io, [
          ->validate(file_get_contents('php://stdin'), uniqid('sf_', true)),
    if (!$filenames) {
      $loader = $this->twig
      if ($loader instanceof FilesystemLoader) {
        $paths = [];
        foreach ($loader
          ->getNamespaces() as $namespace) {
          $paths[] = $loader
        $filenames = array_merge(...$paths);
      if (!$filenames) {
        throw new RuntimeException('Please provide a filename or pipe template content to STDIN.');
    if ($showDeprecations) {
      $prevErrorHandler = set_error_handler(static function ($level, $message, $file, $line) use (&$prevErrorHandler) {
        if (\E_USER_DEPRECATED === $level) {
          $templateLine = 0;
          if (preg_match('/ at line (\\d+)[ .]/', $message, $matches)) {
            $templateLine = $matches[1];
          throw new Error($message, $templateLine);
        return $prevErrorHandler ? $prevErrorHandler($level, $message, $file, $line) : false;
    try {
      $filesInfo = $this
    } finally {
      if ($showDeprecations) {
    return $this
      ->display($input, $output, $io, $filesInfo);
  private function getFilesInfo(array $filenames) : array {
    $filesInfo = [];
    foreach ($filenames as $filename) {
      foreach ($this
        ->findFiles($filename) as $file) {
        $filesInfo[] = $this
          ->validate(file_get_contents($file), $file);
    return $filesInfo;
  protected function findFiles(string $filename) {
    if (is_file($filename)) {
      return [
    elseif (is_dir($filename)) {
      return Finder::create()
    throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('File or directory "%s" is not readable.', $filename));
  private function validate(string $template, string $file) : array {
    $realLoader = $this->twig
    try {
      $temporaryLoader = new ArrayLoader([
        $file => $template,
      $nodeTree = $this->twig
        ->tokenize(new Source($template, $file)));
    } catch (Error $e) {
      return [
        'template' => $template,
        'file' => $file,
        'line' => $e
        'valid' => false,
        'exception' => $e,
    return [
      'template' => $template,
      'file' => $file,
      'valid' => true,
  private function display(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output, SymfonyStyle $io, array $files) {
    switch ($input
      ->getOption('format')) {
      case 'txt':
        return $this
          ->displayTxt($output, $io, $files);
      case 'json':
        return $this
          ->displayJson($output, $files);
        throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('The format "%s" is not supported.', $input
  private function displayTxt(OutputInterface $output, SymfonyStyle $io, array $filesInfo) {
    $errors = 0;
    foreach ($filesInfo as $info) {
      if ($info['valid'] && $output
        ->isVerbose()) {
          ->comment('<info>OK</info>' . ($info['file'] ? sprintf(' in %s', $info['file']) : ''));
      elseif (!$info['valid']) {
          ->renderException($io, $info['template'], $info['exception'], $info['file']);
    if (0 === $errors) {
        ->success(sprintf('All %d Twig files contain valid syntax.', \count($filesInfo)));
    else {
        ->warning(sprintf('%d Twig files have valid syntax and %d contain errors.', \count($filesInfo) - $errors, $errors));
    return min($errors, 1);
  private function displayJson(OutputInterface $output, array $filesInfo) {
    $errors = 0;
    array_walk($filesInfo, function (&$v) use (&$errors) {
      $v['file'] = (string) $v['file'];
      if (!$v['valid']) {
        $v['message'] = $v['exception']
      ->writeln(json_encode($filesInfo, \JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | \JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES));
    return min($errors, 1);
  private function renderException(OutputInterface $output, string $template, Error $exception, string $file = null) {
    $line = $exception
    if ($file) {
        ->text(sprintf('<error> ERROR </error> in %s (line %s)', $file, $line));
    else {
        ->text(sprintf('<error> ERROR </error> (line %s)', $line));

    // If the line is not known (this might happen for deprecations if we fail at detecting the line for instance),
    // we render the message without context, to ensure the message is displayed.
    if ($line <= 0) {
        ->text(sprintf('<error> >> %s</error> ', $exception
    foreach ($this
      ->getContext($template, $line) as $lineNumber => $code) {
        ->text(sprintf('%s %-6s %s', $lineNumber === $line ? '<error> >> </error>' : '    ', $lineNumber, $code));
      if ($lineNumber === $line) {
          ->text(sprintf('<error> >> %s</error> ', $exception
  private function getContext(string $template, int $line, int $context = 3) {
    $lines = explode("\n", $template);
    $position = max(0, $line - $context);
    $max = min(\count($lines), $line - 1 + $context);
    $result = [];
    while ($position < $max) {
      $result[$position + 1] = $lines[$position];
    return $result;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
LintCommand::$defaultName protected static property 1
LintCommand::$twig private property
LintCommand::configure protected function 1
LintCommand::display private function
LintCommand::displayJson private function
LintCommand::displayTxt private function
LintCommand::execute protected function
LintCommand::findFiles protected function
LintCommand::getContext private function
LintCommand::getFilesInfo private function
LintCommand::renderException private function
LintCommand::validate private function
LintCommand::__construct public function