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public function TweetFeed::pullDataFromFeed in Tweet Feed 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 4.x src/Controller/TweetFeed.php \Drupal\tweet_feed\Controller\TweetFeed::pullDataFromFeed()

Get Twitter Data

Pull data from the feed given our internal feed id. Our feed object also contains the information about the account associated with this feed (reference) so we have everything we need to connect via the Twitter API and retrieve the data.


string feed_machine_name: The machine name of the feed with which we wish to procure the data

Return value

array tweets An array of all the tweets for this feed. FALSE if there are problems.


src/Controller/TweetFeed.php, line 235


Class TweetFeed.




public function pullDataFromFeed($feed_machine_name) {
    ->notice(dt('Beginning Twitter import of ') . $feed_machine_name);

  /** Get a list of all the available feeds. */
  $config = \Drupal::service('config.factory')
  $feeds = $config
  if (!empty($feeds[$feed_machine_name])) {
    $feed = $feeds[$feed_machine_name];

    /** I do not want to replicate this data in the settings for feeds so we will just */

    /** assign it ad-hoc to the array here. */
    $feed['machine_name'] = $feed_machine_name;

    /** Get the account of the feed we are processing */
    $accounts_config = \Drupal::service('config.factory')
    $accounts = $accounts_config
    if (!empty($accounts[$feed['aid']])) {
      $account = $accounts[$feed['aid']];

    // If we have selected to clear our prior tweets for this particular feed, then we need
    // to do that here.
    if (!empty($feed['clear_prior'])) {
        ->notice(dt('Clearing existing tweet entities'));
      $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
      $entities = $query
        ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'tweet_feed')
        ->condition('feed_machine_name', $feed_machine_name, '=')
      if (isset($entities['tweet_feed'])) {
        foreach ($result['tweet_feed'] as $entity_id => $entity) {
          $tweet = Drupal\tweet_feed\Entity\TweetEntity::load($entity_id);

    // Build TwitterOAuth object with client credentials
    $con = new TwitterOAuth2($account['consumer_key'], $account['consumer_secret'], $account['oauth_token'], $account['oauth_token_secret']);

    // $since_id = NULL;
    // $entities = \Drupal::entityQuery('tweet_entity')
    //   ->condition('feed_machine_name', $feed_machine_name, '=')
    //   ->sort('id', 'DESC')
    //   ->range(0, 1)
    //   ->execute();
    // if (!empty($entities)) {
    //   $tweet_entity = new TweetEntity([], 'tweet_entity');
    //   $high_water_entity_id = array_pop($entities);
    //   $high_water_entity = $tweet_entity->load($high_water_entity_id);
    //   $since_id = $high_water_entity->getTweetId() + 1;
    // }
    // Get the number of tweets to pull from our list & variable init.
    $tweets = [];
    $tweet_count = 0;
    $process = TRUE;
    $number_to_get = $feed['pull_count'];
    $params = $feed['query_type'] == 3 || $feed['query_type'] == 2 ? array(
      'screen_name' => $feed['timeline_id'],
      'count' => 100,
      'tweet_mode' => 'extended',
    ) : array(
      'q' => $feed['search_term'],
      'count' => 100,
      'tweet_mode' => 'extended',

    // $max_id overrides $since_id
    if (!empty($max_id)) {
      $params['max_id'] = $max_id;

    //\Drupal::logger("tweet_feed")->warning(dt('Since ID: ' . $since_id));
    while ($process === TRUE) {
      switch ($feed['query_type']) {
        case 2:
          $response = $con
            ->get("statuses/user_timeline", $params);
          if (!empty($response)) {
            if (empty($response->errors)) {
              $tdata = $response;
          else {
            $process = FALSE;
        case 3:
          $params = [
            'slug' => $feed['list_name'],
            'owner_screen_name' => $feed['timeline_id'],
            'count' => 100,
            'tweet_mode' => 'extended',
          $response = $con
            ->get("lists/statuses", $params);
          $tdata = json_decode($response);
        case 1:
          $tdata = json_decode($con
            ->get("search/tweets", $params));
          if (empty($tdata->search_metadata->next_results)) {

            //\Drupal::logger("tweet_feed")->error(dt('STOP PROCESSING: ' . __LINE__));
            $process = FALSE;
      if (!empty($tdata)) {
        if (!empty($tdata->errors)) {
          foreach ($tdata->errors as $error) {

            //\Drupal::logger("tweet_feed")->error(dt('STOP PROCESSING: ' . __LINE__));
            $process = FALSE;
            $tweets = [];
        else {
          if ($feed['query_type'] == 2 || $feed['query_type'] == 3) {
            $end_of_the_line = array_pop($tdata);
            array_unshift($tdata, $end_of_the_line);
            $max_id = $end_of_the_line->id_str;
            $tweet_data = $tdata;
          else {
            $tweet_data = $tdata->statuses;

          // If this is FALSE, then we have hit an error and need to stop processing
          if (isset($tweet_data['tweets']) && $tweet_data['tweets'] === FALSE) {
            $process = FALSE;
          if (count($tweet_data) > 0) {
            $duplicate = 0;
            foreach ($tweet_data as $key => $tweet) {
              if ($tweet_count >= $number_to_get) {
                $process = FALSE;
              $saved = $this
                ->saveTweet($tweet, $feed);

              // If we have three duplicates in a row, assume we've reached the last imported
              // tweets and stop here.
              if ($saved == FALSE) {
                if ($duplicate >= 3) {
                  $process = FALSE;
                  break 2;
              else {
                $duplicate = 0;
              if ($tweet_count % 50 == 0) {
                  ->notice(dt('Total Tweets Processed: ') . $tweet_count . dt('. Max to Import: ') . $number_to_get . ": {$tweet->id}");
          else {
            $process = FALSE;
      if ($process == TRUE) {
        $params['max_id'] = $max_id - 1;
      ->notice(dt('Tweet Feed import of the feed: ') . $feed_machine_name . dt(' completed. ' . $tweet_count . ' Tweets imported.'));