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TweetFeed.php in Tweet Feed 8.3

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  1. 4.x src/Controller/TweetFeed.php


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namespace Drupal\tweet_feed\Controller;

use Drupal\Core\Link;
use Drush\Log;
use Drupal\Core\Controller\ControllerBase;
use Drupal\Core\StringTranslation\StringTranslationTrait;
use Drupal\tweet_feed\Entity\TwitterProfileEntity;
use Drupal\tweet_feed\Entity\TweetEntity;
use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\Core\Language\Language;
use Abraham\TwitterOAuth\TwitterOAuth;
use Drupal\tweet_feed\Controller\TwitterOAuth2;

 * Class TweetFeed.
class TweetFeed extends ControllerBase {

   * Save the tweet to our tweet entity.
   * @param object $tweet
   *  The tweet as it is retrieved from Twitter.
   * @param array $feed
   *  The information on the feed from which this feed is being fetched.
  public function saveTweet($tweet, $feed) {
    $language = Language::LANGCODE_DEFAULT;

    // Check to see if we already have this tweet in play.
    // If so, don't reimport it.
    $entities = \Drupal::entityQuery('tweet_entity')
      ->condition('tweet_id', $tweet->id_str, '=')
    if (!empty($entities)) {
      return FALSE;

    // Get the creation time of the tweet and store it.
    $creation_timestamp = strtotime($tweet->created_at);

    // Add our hash tags to the hashtag taxonomy. If it already exists, then get the tid
    // for that term. Returns an array of tid's for hashtags used.
    $hashtags = $this
      ->processTaxonomy($tweet->entities->hashtags, 'twitter_hashtag_terms');

    // Add our user mentions to it's relative taxonomy. Handled just like hashtags
    $user_mentions = $this
      ->processTaxonomy($tweet->entities->user_mentions, 'twitter_user_mention_terms');

    // Process the tweet. This linkes our twitter names, hash tags and converts any
    // URL's into HTML.
    $tweet_text = $tweet->full_text;
    $tweet_html = tweet_feed_format_output($tweet_text, $feed['new_window'], $feed['hash_taxonomy'], $hashtags);
    $specific_tweets = [];
    $uuid_service = \Drupal::service('uuid');

    // Populate our tweet entity with the data we will need to save
    $entity = new TweetEntity([], 'tweet_entity');
      ->setTweetTitle(mb_substr(Html::decodeEntities($tweet->user->screen_name) . ': ' . Html::decodeEntities($tweet_text), 0, 255));
      ->setTweetFullText(tweet_feed_format_output($tweet->full_text, $feed['new_window'], $feed['hash_taxonomy'], $hashtags));
      ->setIsVerifiedUser((int) $tweet->user->verified);

    /** Re-Tweet*/
    if (!empty($tweet->retweeted_status->id_str)) {
      $specific_tweets[] = $tweet->retweeted_status->id_str;

    /** Tweet Reply*/
    if (!empty($tweet->in_reply_to_status_id_str)) {
      $specific_tweets[] = $tweet->in_reply_to_status_id_str;

    /** Quoted Tweet w/Comment */
    if (!empty($tweet->is_quote_status)) {
      $specific_tweets[] = $tweet->quoted_status_id_str;

    /** Handle media and by media I mean images attached to this tweet. */
    if (!empty($tweet->entities->media) && is_array($tweet->entities->media)) {
      $files = [];
      foreach ($tweet->entities->media as $key => $media) {
        if (is_object($media)) {

          /** Edge case - a really big image could push a PHP max memory issue. I need to research */

          /** alternative ways of doing this. */
          $image = file_get_contents($media->media_url . ':large');
          if (!empty($image)) {
              ->checkPath('public://tweet-feed-tweet-images', TRUE);
            $file_temp = file_save_data($image, 'public://tweet-feed-tweet-images/' . date('Y-m') . '/' . $tweet->id_str . '.jpg', 1);
            if (is_object($file_temp)) {
              $fid = $file_temp->fid
              $files[] = [
                'target_id' => $fid,
                'alt' => '',
                'title' => $media->id,
                'width' => $media->sizes->large->w,
                'height' => $media->sizes->large->h,
    if (!empty($hashtags)) {
    if (!empty($user_mentions)) {
    if (!empty($tweet->place) && is_object($tweet->place)) {
      $bb = json_encode($tweet->place->bounding_box->coordinates[0]);
    if (!empty($tweet->place->full_name)) {
    if (!empty($tweet->source)) {
      ->setLinkToTweet('' . $tweet->user->screen_name . '/status/' . $tweet->id_str);
    $tweet->user->profile_image_url = str_replace('_normal', '', $tweet->user->profile_image_url);
    $file = $this
      ->processTwitterImage($tweet->user->profile_image_url, 'profile', $tweet->user->id_str, FALSE);
    if ($file !== FALSE) {
      $file_array = [];
      $file_array[] = $file;
      ->alter('tweet_feed_tweet_save', $entity, $tweet);
    if (empty($entity)) {
      return TRUE;
    $entity = new TwitterProfileEntity([], 'twitter_profile');

    // If we are creating a user profile for the person who made this tweet, then we need
    // to either create it or update it here. To determine create/update we need to check
    // the hash of the profile and see if it matches our data.
    $profile_hash = md5(serialize($tweet->user));
    $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('twitter_profile')
      ->condition('twitter_user_id', $tweet->user->id)

    // If we have a result, then we have a profile! Then we need to check to see if the hash
    // of the profile is the same as the hash of the user data. If so, then update. If not,
    // then skip.
    if (!empty($query)) {
      $keys = array_keys($query);
      $entity = $entity
      $entity_hash = $entity
      if ($profile_hash == $entity_hash) {
          ->alter('tweet_feed_twitter_profile_save', $entity, $tweet->user);
        return TRUE;

    // Populate our entity with the data we will need to save
      ->setVerified((int) $tweet->user->verified);

    // Handle the user profile image obtained from
    $file = $this
      ->processTwitterImage($tweet->user->profile_image_url, 'user-profile', $tweet->user->id_str, FALSE);
    if ($file !== FALSE) {
      $file_array = [];
      $file_array[] = $file;

    // Handle the user profile banner image obtained from
    $file = $this
      ->processTwitterImage($tweet->user->profile_banner_url, 'banner-image', $tweet->user->id_str, FALSE);
    if ($file !== FALSE) {
      $file_array = [];
      $file_array[] = $file;
      ->alter('tweet_feed_twitter_profile_save', $entity, $tweet->user);
    return TRUE;

   * Get Twitter Data
   * Pull data from the feed given our internal feed id. Our feed object also contains the
   * information about the account associated with this feed (reference) so we have everything
   * we need to connect via the Twitter API and retrieve the data.
   * @param string feed_machine_name
   *   The machine name of the feed with which we wish to procure the data
   * @return array tweets
   *   An array of all the tweets for this feed. FALSE if there are problems.
  public function pullDataFromFeed($feed_machine_name) {
      ->notice(dt('Beginning Twitter import of ') . $feed_machine_name);

    /** Get a list of all the available feeds. */
    $config = \Drupal::service('config.factory')
    $feeds = $config
    if (!empty($feeds[$feed_machine_name])) {
      $feed = $feeds[$feed_machine_name];

      /** I do not want to replicate this data in the settings for feeds so we will just */

      /** assign it ad-hoc to the array here. */
      $feed['machine_name'] = $feed_machine_name;

      /** Get the account of the feed we are processing */
      $accounts_config = \Drupal::service('config.factory')
      $accounts = $accounts_config
      if (!empty($accounts[$feed['aid']])) {
        $account = $accounts[$feed['aid']];

      // If we have selected to clear our prior tweets for this particular feed, then we need
      // to do that here.
      if (!empty($feed['clear_prior'])) {
          ->notice(dt('Clearing existing tweet entities'));
        $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
        $entities = $query
          ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'tweet_feed')
          ->condition('feed_machine_name', $feed_machine_name, '=')
        if (isset($entities['tweet_feed'])) {
          foreach ($result['tweet_feed'] as $entity_id => $entity) {
            $tweet = Drupal\tweet_feed\Entity\TweetEntity::load($entity_id);

      // Build TwitterOAuth object with client credentials
      $con = new TwitterOAuth2($account['consumer_key'], $account['consumer_secret'], $account['oauth_token'], $account['oauth_token_secret']);

      // $since_id = NULL;
      // $entities = \Drupal::entityQuery('tweet_entity')
      //   ->condition('feed_machine_name', $feed_machine_name, '=')
      //   ->sort('id', 'DESC')
      //   ->range(0, 1)
      //   ->execute();
      // if (!empty($entities)) {
      //   $tweet_entity = new TweetEntity([], 'tweet_entity');
      //   $high_water_entity_id = array_pop($entities);
      //   $high_water_entity = $tweet_entity->load($high_water_entity_id);
      //   $since_id = $high_water_entity->getTweetId() + 1;
      // }
      // Get the number of tweets to pull from our list & variable init.
      $tweets = [];
      $tweet_count = 0;
      $process = TRUE;
      $number_to_get = $feed['pull_count'];
      $params = $feed['query_type'] == 3 || $feed['query_type'] == 2 ? array(
        'screen_name' => $feed['timeline_id'],
        'count' => 100,
        'tweet_mode' => 'extended',
      ) : array(
        'q' => $feed['search_term'],
        'count' => 100,
        'tweet_mode' => 'extended',

      // $max_id overrides $since_id
      if (!empty($max_id)) {
        $params['max_id'] = $max_id;

      //\Drupal::logger("tweet_feed")->warning(dt('Since ID: ' . $since_id));
      while ($process === TRUE) {
        switch ($feed['query_type']) {
          case 2:
            $response = $con
              ->get("statuses/user_timeline", $params);
            if (!empty($response)) {
              if (empty($response->errors)) {
                $tdata = $response;
            else {
              $process = FALSE;
          case 3:
            $params = [
              'slug' => $feed['list_name'],
              'owner_screen_name' => $feed['timeline_id'],
              'count' => 100,
              'tweet_mode' => 'extended',
            $response = $con
              ->get("lists/statuses", $params);
            $tdata = json_decode($response);
          case 1:
            $tdata = json_decode($con
              ->get("search/tweets", $params));
            if (empty($tdata->search_metadata->next_results)) {

              //\Drupal::logger("tweet_feed")->error(dt('STOP PROCESSING: ' . __LINE__));
              $process = FALSE;
        if (!empty($tdata)) {
          if (!empty($tdata->errors)) {
            foreach ($tdata->errors as $error) {

              //\Drupal::logger("tweet_feed")->error(dt('STOP PROCESSING: ' . __LINE__));
              $process = FALSE;
              $tweets = [];
          else {
            if ($feed['query_type'] == 2 || $feed['query_type'] == 3) {
              $end_of_the_line = array_pop($tdata);
              array_unshift($tdata, $end_of_the_line);
              $max_id = $end_of_the_line->id_str;
              $tweet_data = $tdata;
            else {
              $tweet_data = $tdata->statuses;

            // If this is FALSE, then we have hit an error and need to stop processing
            if (isset($tweet_data['tweets']) && $tweet_data['tweets'] === FALSE) {
              $process = FALSE;
            if (count($tweet_data) > 0) {
              $duplicate = 0;
              foreach ($tweet_data as $key => $tweet) {
                if ($tweet_count >= $number_to_get) {
                  $process = FALSE;
                $saved = $this
                  ->saveTweet($tweet, $feed);

                // If we have three duplicates in a row, assume we've reached the last imported
                // tweets and stop here.
                if ($saved == FALSE) {
                  if ($duplicate >= 3) {
                    $process = FALSE;
                    break 2;
                else {
                  $duplicate = 0;
                if ($tweet_count % 50 == 0) {
                    ->notice(dt('Total Tweets Processed: ') . $tweet_count . dt('. Max to Import: ') . $number_to_get . ": {$tweet->id}");
            else {
              $process = FALSE;
        if ($process == TRUE) {
          $params['max_id'] = $max_id - 1;
        ->notice(dt('Tweet Feed import of the feed: ') . $feed_machine_name . dt(' completed. ' . $tweet_count . ' Tweets imported.'));

   * Checks to see if the provided tweet_id is currently in our entity.
   * @param string $tweet_id
   *   The id of the tweet. This is the Twitter id, so it is a string.
   * @return bool $exists
   *   Returns TRUE if an entity exists with Twitter ID, FALSE if not.
  public function tweet_exists($tweet_id) {
    $query = \Drupal::entityQuery('tweet_feed');
      ->condition('tweet_id', $tweet_id);
    $tweets = $query
    if (!empty($tweets)) {
      return TRUE;
    else {
      return FALSE;

   * Process hashtags and user mentions in tweets
   * We need to store these in our taxonomy (do not save duplicates) and save a reference
   * to them in our created tweet node
   * @param array $entities
   *   An array of entities to be saved to our taxonomy.
   * @param string $taxonomy
   *   The machine name of the taxonomy to be saved to.
   * @param array $tids
   *   The term id's to be saved
  public function processTaxonomy($entities, $taxonomy) {
    $tids = [];
    foreach ($entities as $entity) {
      switch ($taxonomy) {
        case 'twitter_hashtag_terms':
          $taxonomy_name = $entity->text;
        case 'twitter_user_mention_terms':
          $taxonomy_name = $entity->screen_name;
      $tid = [];
      $terms = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()
      if (!empty($terms)) {
        foreach ($terms as $term) {
          if ($term->name == $taxonomy_name) {
            $tid[0]['value'] = $term->tid;
      if (empty($tid)) {
        $new_term = \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term::create([
          'vid' => $taxonomy,
          'name' => $taxonomy_name,
        $tid = $new_term->tid
      $tids[] = $tid[0]['value'];
    return $tids;

   * Process Images from URL
   * Allows the passage of a URL and a saves the resulting image in that URL to a file
   * that can be attached to our node. These are mostly used in user profiles and avatars
   * associated with user tweets.
   * @param string url
   *   The url of the image being retrieved
   * @param string type
   *   The type of image. This affects the folder the image is placed in.
   * @param int id
   *   The id associated with this image
   * @param bool $add_date
   *   Do we add the year and month on to the end of the path?
   * @return object file
   *   The file object for the retrieved image or NULL if unable to retrieve
  private function processTwitterImage($url, $type, $id, $add_date = FALSE) {
    $image = file_get_contents($url);
    if (!empty($image)) {
      $file = FALSE;
      list($width, $height) = getimagesize($url);
        ->checkPath('public://tweet-feed-' . $type . '-images/', $add_date);
      if ($add_date == TRUE) {
        $file_temp = file_save_data($image, 'public://tweet-feed-' . $type . '-images/' . date('Y-m') . '/' . $id . '.jpg', 1);
      else {
        $file_temp = file_save_data($image, 'public://tweet-feed-' . $type . '-images/' . $id . '.jpg', 1);
      if (is_object($file_temp)) {
        $fid = $file_temp->fid
        $file = [
          'target_id' => $fid,
          'alt' => '',
          'title' => $id,
          'width' => $width,
          'height' => $height,
      return $file;
    else {
      return FALSE;

   * Make sure the directory exists. If not, create it
   * @param string $uri
   *   The URI location of the path to be created.
   * @param bool $add_date
   *   Do we add the year and month on to the end of the path?
   * @return bool $exists
   *   If the real_path exists, then return TRUE
  private function checkPath($uri, $add_date = FALSE) {
    $date = !empty($add_date) ? '/' . date('Y-m') : NULL;
    $real_path = \Drupal::service('file_system')
      ->realpath($uri) . $date;
    if (!file_exists($real_path)) {
      mkdir($real_path, 0777, TRUE);
    return file_exists($real_path);



Namesort descending Description
TweetFeed Class TweetFeed.