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function tweet_sites in Tweet 7.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.4 tweet.module \tweet_sites()

Builds a list of sites to which we can tweet.


$enabled_only: If TRUE, only enabled sites are returned. Otherwise, all defined sites are returned.

$reset: Reset and rebuild the static cache.

Return value

An array of sites to which we can tweet with associated information.

5 calls to tweet_sites()
tweet_admin in ./
Settings page.
tweet_block_view in ./tweet.module
Implements hook_block_view().
tweet_node_view in ./tweet.module
Implements hook_node_view().
tweet_views_handler_field_button::render in ./
Render the field.
_tweet_to_twitter in ./tweet.module
Creates a link to post a URL and optionally title to twitter. Uses the current page by default.
2 string references to 'tweet_sites'
tweet_admin in ./
Settings page.
tweet_uninstall in ./tweet.install
Implements hook_uninstall().


./tweet.module, line 116
Builds links to post pages to Twitter API sites.


function tweet_sites($enabled_only = FALSE, $reset = FALSE) {
  static $sites = array();
  if ($reset || empty($sites)) {
    $sites = module_invoke_all('tweet_sites');
    drupal_alter('tweet_sites', $sites);
  $allowed = $sites;
  if ($enabled_only) {
    foreach ($sites as $site => $info) {
      if (!in_array($site, variable_get('tweet_sites', array(
        'Twitter' => 'Twitter',
      )))) {
  return $allowed;