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function tweet_update_6400 in Tweet 6.4

Implementation of hook_update_N().

The format of [node-tags] is improved so it doesn't include a leading space. As a result, we need to fix old formats that expect the leading space. This doesn't fix every case, but it fixes most.


./tweet.install, line 15
Builds links to post pages to twitter.


function tweet_update_6400() {

  //Update to new icon path.
  $path = drupal_get_path('module', 'tweet');
  $old = $path . '/icon.png';
  $new = $path . '/twitter.png';
  if (variable_get('tweet_image', $new) == $old) {
    variable_set('tweet_image', $new);
  $format = variable_get('tweet_format', '[url] [title] [node-tags]');
  if (strpos($format, '][node-tags]') !== FALSE) {
    str_replace('][node-tags]', '] [node-tags]', $format);
    variable_set('tweet_format', $format);
  return array();