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Functions in Taxonomy Views Integrator 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
theme_tvi_breadcrumb ./tvi.module Return the taxonomy page breadcrumb (for active view overrides).
theme_tvi_term_description ./tvi.module Return the taxonomy description (for active view overrides).
tvi_default_settings includes/ Return a default setting object. 1
tvi_form_alter ./tvi.module Implements hook_form_alter().
tvi_get_breadcrumb ./tvi.module Get the taxonomy page breadcrumb links. 1
tvi_get_term_info ./tvi.module Return different data sets for a specified term id. 1
tvi_get_views includes/ Gather a listing of all views so that the admin may choose ANY view. 2
tvi_get_view_displays includes/ Gathers the available views display options. 1
tvi_get_view_info ./tvi.module Return information about the arguments given to the taxonomy term callback. 2
tvi_include ./tvi.module Include various application logic. 11
tvi_install ./tvi.install Implements hook_install().
tvi_load_settings includes/ Load a setting from the database or return a default. 5
tvi_menu ./tvi.module Implements hook_menu().
tvi_menu_alter ./tvi.module Implements hook_menu_alter().
tvi_modules_disabled ./tvi.module Implements hook_modules_disabled().
tvi_modules_enabled ./tvi.module Implements hook_modules_enabled().
tvi_permission ./tvi.module Implements hook_permission().
tvi_remove_settings includes/ Delete settings information for a taxonomy term/vocabulary in the database. 2
tvi_render_view ./tvi.module Replace taxonomy page callback. 1
tvi_render_view_access ./tvi.module Check access for the current taxonomy page. 1
tvi_settings_form includes/ Create the main settings form. 1
tvi_submit_handler includes/ Save the view taxonomy data to the database. 1
tvi_taxonomy_admin_form includes/ The main TVI administration form. 3
tvi_taxonomy_term_delete ./tvi.module Implements hook_taxonomy_term_delete().
tvi_taxonomy_vocabulary_delete ./tvi.module Implements hook_taxonomy_vocabulary_delete().
tvi_term_form includes/ Adds TVI administration form to the term edit page. 1
tvi_theme ./tvi.module Implements hook_theme().
tvi_uninstall ./tvi.install Implements hook_uninstall().
tvi_update_7000 ./tvi.install Replace xid int field by a varchar field to allow uuid usage.
tvi_update_7001 ./tvi.install Replace vids by machine_names and tids by uuids if enabled.
tvi_update_7002 ./tvi.install Drop schema in favor of {variable} table.
tvi_update_7003 ./tvi.install Add inherit parameters to settings where it's missing.
tvi_update_settings includes/ Save settings information for a taxonomy vocabulary or term to the database. 3
tvi_validate_handler includes/ Validate the TVI administration form submission. 1
tvi_validate_settings includes/ Check if the views and views' displays referenced by the settings are valid. 1
tvi_vocab_form includes/ Adds TVI administration form to the vocabulary edit page. 1
_tvi_convert_tids_to_uuids includes/ Massively convert all settings based on the tid to uuids. 1
_tvi_convert_uuids_to_tids includes/ Massively convert all settings based on the uuids to tids. 1
_tvi_get_xid includes/ Convert the entity id into its best parameter. 3

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