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Files in Transliteration 6.2

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File namesort descending Location Namespace Description
CHANGELOG.txt CHANGELOG.txt Transliteration 6.x-2.x, xxxx-xx-xx ----------------------------------- #487550 by viadimezzo: Added sz ligature transliteration to German. #586816 by smk-ka: Keep a copy of the unaltered file name in…
README.txt README.txt /* $Id$ */ -- SUMMARY -- The purpose of this module is to provide a central transliteration service for other Drupal modules, as well as sanitizing file names while uploading files to Drupal. For a full description visit the project page: … name = Transliteration description = Provides transliteration for UTF-8 text input and sanitizes file names. core = 6.x
transliteration.install transliteration.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the transliteration module.
transliteration.module transliteration.module Provides transliteration for UTF-8 text input and sanitzes file names.
x00.php data/x00.php
x01.php data/x01.php
x02.php data/x02.php
x03.php data/x03.php
x04.php data/x04.php
x05.php data/x05.php
x06.php data/x06.php
x07.php data/x07.php
x09.php data/x09.php
x0a.php data/x0a.php
x0b.php data/x0b.php
x0c.php data/x0c.php
x0d.php data/x0d.php
x0e.php data/x0e.php
x0f.php data/x0f.php
x10.php data/x10.php
x11.php data/x11.php
x12.php data/x12.php
x13.php data/x13.php
x14.php data/x14.php
x15.php data/x15.php
x16.php data/x16.php
x17.php data/x17.php
x18.php data/x18.php
x1e.php data/x1e.php
x1f.php data/x1f.php
x20.php data/x20.php
x21.php data/x21.php
x22.php data/x22.php
x23.php data/x23.php
x24.php data/x24.php
x25.php data/x25.php
x26.php data/x26.php
x27.php data/x27.php
x28.php data/x28.php
x2e.php data/x2e.php
x2f.php data/x2f.php
x30.php data/x30.php
x31.php data/x31.php
x32.php data/x32.php
x33.php data/x33.php
x4d.php data/x4d.php
x4e.php data/x4e.php
x4f.php data/x4f.php


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