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function _translation_table_get_header in Translation table 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 includes/ \_translation_table_get_header()

Header of the translation table.


$languages: languages to translate to

Return value

header row for theme_table

5 calls to _translation_table_get_header()
content_translation_table_cck_filtered_form in modules/
Form for CCK translation.
menu_translation_table_menu_filtered_form in modules/
Form for menu translation. Note: If the menu string is not in the locales_source table, then it won't be displayed.
node_translation_table_nodetype_filtered_form in modules/
Form for node type translation. Note: If the node type is not in the locales_source table, then it won't be displayed.
quicktabs_translation_table_quicktabs_filtered_form in modules/
Form for quicktabs translation.
taxonomy_translation_table_taxonomy_filtered_form in modules/
Form for taxonomy translation. Note: If term and vocabulary strings are not in the locales_source table, then they won't be displayed.


includes/, line 17
The administration interface.


function _translation_table_get_header($languages) {
  $header = array(
      'data' => t('Original'),
      'sort' => 'asc',
      'field' => 'source',
  foreach ($languages as $lang_code => $lang_name) {
    $header[] = array(
      'data' => $lang_name,
  $header[] = array(
    'data' => t('Operations'),
    'colspan' => 3,
  return $header;