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function transaction_db_next_id in Transaction 5

Transaction-friendly version of db_next_id(). The default Drupal implementation performs a table lock which will terminate any open transaction.


string The un-prefixed table name to fetch and ID for.:

Return value

int The next ID in the sequence.

3 calls to transaction_db_next_id()
pressflow_transaction_db_next_id in ./transaction.module
Legacy compatibility wrapper for transaction_db_next_id().
TransactionTest::testTransactionDBNextID in tests/transaction.test
Verify the operation of transaction_db_next_id().
transaction_update in ./transaction.module
Utility function that abstracts transactionalized updates or inserts on a single row.


./transaction.module, line 98
Provides a database transaction system for use with InnoDB tables in MySQL.


function transaction_db_next_id($name) {
  $name = db_prefix_tables($name);

  // Reset LAST_INSERT_ID so it doesn't have a stale value if INSERT succeeds.
  db_query('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(1)');
  db_query('INSERT INTO {sequences} VALUES ("%s", 1) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE id = LAST_INSERT_ID(id + 1)', $name);
  $id = db_result(db_query('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()'));
  return $id;