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function theme_track_da_files_file_link in Track da files 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 includes/ \theme_track_da_files_file_link()

Returns HTML for a link to a file.


array $variables: An associative array containing:

  • file: A file object to which the link will be created.
  • icon_directory: (optional) A path to a directory of icons to be used for files. Defaults to the value of the "file_icon_directory" variable.
2 theme calls to theme_track_da_files_file_link()
theme_track_da_files_file_formatter_table in includes/
Returns HTML for a file attachments table.
track_da_files_field_formatter_view in ./track_da_files.module
Implements hook_field_formatter_view().


includes/, line 19
format_custom_link_text This file contains the specialized field formatters.


function theme_track_da_files_file_link($variables) {
  $track_da_files_file_field_links_show_enabled = variable_get('track_da_files_file_field_links_show_enabled', 1);

  // Load related CSS.
  if ($track_da_files_file_field_links_show_enabled) {
    drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'track_da_files') . '/includes/track_da_files.css');
  $output = '';
  $file = $variables['file'];
  $icon_directory = $variables['icon_directory'];
  $url = track_da_files_create_url($file->uri);
  $icon = theme('file_icon', array(
    'file' => $file,
    'icon_directory' => $icon_directory,
  $options = array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'type' => $file->filemime . '; length=' . $file->filesize,

  // Use custom link text if available, else use description or file name
  if (isset($file->custom_link_text) && !empty($file->custom_link_text)) {
    $link_text = $file->custom_link_text;
  elseif (empty($file->description)) {
    $link_text = $file->filename;
  else {
    $link_text = $file->description;
    $options['attributes']['title'] = check_plain($file->filename);
  $options['query']['file'] = '1';
  if (isset($file->type)) {
    $options['query']['type'] = $file->type;
  if (isset($file->id)) {
    $options['query']['id'] = $file->id;
  if (isset($file->force_download)) {
    $options['query']['force'] = $file->force_download;
  $output = '<span class="file">' . $icon . ' ' . l($link_text, $url, $options) . '</span>';
  if (isset($file->displays) && ($file->displays > 0 && isset($track_da_files_file_field_links_show_enabled))) {
    $output .= '<span class="file-displayed-counter">' . format_plural($file->displays, 'displayed 1 time', 'displayed @count times') . '</span>';
  return $output;