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function field_token_info_alter in Token 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 \field_token_info_alter()

Implements hook_token_info_alter() on behalf of field.module.

We use hook_token_info_alter() rather than hook_token_info() as other modules may already have defined some field tokens.


./, line 1499
Token callbacks for the token module.


function field_token_info_alter(&$info) {
  $type_info = \Drupal::service('plugin.manager.field.field_type')

  // Attach field tokens to their respecitve entity tokens.
  foreach (\Drupal::entityTypeManager()
    ->getDefinitions() as $entity_type_id => $entity_type) {
    if (!$entity_type
      ->entityClassImplements(ContentEntityInterface::class)) {

    // Make sure a token type exists for this entity.
    $token_type = \Drupal::service('token.entity_mapper')
    if (empty($token_type) || !isset($info['types'][$token_type])) {
    $fields = \Drupal::service('entity_field.manager')
    foreach ($fields as $field_name => $field) {

      /** @var \Drupal\field\FieldStorageConfigInterface $field */

      // Ensure the token implements FieldStorageConfigInterface or is defined
      // in token module.
      $provider = '';
      if (isset($info['types'][$token_type]['module'])) {
        $provider = $info['types'][$token_type]['module'];
      if (!$field instanceof FieldStorageConfigInterface && $provider != 'token') {

      // If a token already exists for this field, then don't add it.
      if (isset($info['tokens'][$token_type][$field_name])) {
      if ($token_type == 'comment' && $field_name == 'comment_body') {

        // Core provides the comment field as [comment:body].

      // Do not define the token type if the field has no properties.
      if (!$field
        ->getPropertyDefinitions()) {

      // Generate a description for the token.
      $labels = _token_field_label($entity_type_id, $field_name);
      $label = array_shift($labels);
      $params['@type'] = $type_info[$field
      if (!empty($labels)) {
        $params['%labels'] = implode(', ', $labels);
        $description = t('@type field. Also known as %labels.', $params);
      else {
        $description = t('@type field.', $params);
      $cardinality = $field
      $cardinality = $cardinality == FieldStorageDefinitionInterface::CARDINALITY_UNLIMITED || $cardinality > 3 ? 3 : $cardinality;
      $field_token_name = $token_type . '-' . $field_name;
      $info['tokens'][$token_type][$field_name] = [
        'name' => Html::escape($label),
        'description' => $description,
        'module' => 'token',
        // For multivalue fields the field token is a list type.
        'type' => $cardinality > 1 ? "list<{$field_token_name}>" : $field_token_name,

      // Field token type.
      $info['types'][$field_token_name] = [
        'name' => Html::escape($label),
        'description' => t('@label tokens.', [
          '@label' => Html::escape($label),
        'needs-data' => $field_token_name,
        'nested' => TRUE,

      // Field list token type.
      if ($cardinality > 1) {
        $info['types']["list<{$field_token_name}>"] = [
          'name' => t('List of @type values', [
            '@type' => Html::escape($label),
          'description' => t('Tokens for lists of @type values.', [
            '@type' => Html::escape($label),
          'needs-data' => "list<{$field_token_name}>",
          'nested' => TRUE,

      // Show a different token for each field delta.
      if ($cardinality > 1) {
        for ($delta = 0; $delta < $cardinality; $delta++) {
          $info['tokens']["list<{$field_token_name}>"][$delta] = [
            'name' => t('@type type with delta @delta', [
              '@type' => Html::escape($label),
              '@delta' => $delta,
            'module' => 'token',
            'type' => $field_token_name,

      // Property tokens.
      foreach ($field
        ->getPropertyDefinitions() as $property => $property_definition) {
        if (is_subclass_of($property_definition
          ->getClass(), 'Drupal\\Core\\TypedData\\PrimitiveInterface')) {
          $info['tokens'][$field_token_name][$property] = [
            'name' => $property_definition
            'description' => $property_definition
            'module' => 'token',
        elseif ($property_definition instanceof DataReferenceDefinitionInterface && $property_definition
          ->getTargetDefinition() instanceof EntityDataDefinitionInterface) {
          $referenced_entity_type = $property_definition
          $referenced_token_type = \Drupal::service('token.entity_mapper')
          $info['tokens'][$field_token_name][$property] = [
            'name' => $property_definition
            'description' => $property_definition
            'module' => 'token',
            'type' => $referenced_token_type,

      // Provide image_with_image_style tokens for image fields.
      if ($field
        ->getType() == 'image') {
        $image_styles = image_style_options(FALSE);
        foreach ($image_styles as $style => $description) {
          $info['tokens'][$field_token_name][$style] = [
            'name' => $description,
            'description' => t('Represents the image in the given image style.'),
            'type' => 'image_with_image_style',

      // Provide format token for datetime fields.
      $date_fields = [
      if (in_array($field
        ->getType(), $date_fields, TRUE)) {
        $info['tokens'][$field_token_name]['date'] = $info['tokens'][$field_token_name]['value'];
        $info['tokens'][$field_token_name]['date']['name'] .= ' ' . t('format');
        $info['tokens'][$field_token_name]['date']['type'] = 'date';
      if ($field
        ->getType() == 'daterange' || $field
        ->getType() == 'date_recur') {
        $info['tokens'][$field_token_name]['start_date'] = $info['tokens'][$field_token_name]['value'];
        $info['tokens'][$field_token_name]['start_date']['name'] .= ' ' . t('format');
        $info['tokens'][$field_token_name]['start_date']['type'] = 'date';
        $info['tokens'][$field_token_name]['end_date'] = $info['tokens'][$field_token_name]['end_value'];
        $info['tokens'][$field_token_name]['end_date']['name'] .= ' ' . t('format');
        $info['tokens'][$field_token_name]['end_date']['type'] = 'date';