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function token_render_cache_set in Token 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 token.module \token_render_cache_set()

Coyp of drupal_render_cache_set() that does not care about request method.


./token.module, line 474
Enhances the token API in core: adds a browseable UI, missing tokens, etc.


function token_render_cache_set(&$markup, $elements) {

  // This should only run of drupal_render_cache_set() did not.
  if (in_array(\Drupal::request()->server
    ->get('REQUEST_METHOD'), [
  ])) {
    return FALSE;
  $original_method = \Drupal::request()->server
    ->set('REQUEST_METHOD', 'GET');
  drupal_render_cache_set($markup, $elements);
    ->set('REQUEST_METHOD', $original_method);