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function _token_upgrade_token_list in Token 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7 token.install \_token_upgrade_token_list()

Build a list of Drupal 6 tokens and their Drupal 7 token names.

1 call to _token_upgrade_token_list()
token_update_token_text in ./token.install
Update a string containing Drupal 6 style tokens to Drupal 7 style tokens.


./token.install, line 67
Install, update and uninstall functions for the token module.


function _token_upgrade_token_list() {
  $tokens = [
    // Global tokens
    'user-name' => 'current-user:name',
    'user-id' => 'current-user:id',
    'user-mail' => 'current-user:mail',
    'site-url' => 'site:url',
    'site-name' => 'site:name',
    'site-slogan' => 'site:slogan',
    'site-mission' => 'site:mission',
    'site-mail' => 'site:mail',
    'site-date' => 'date:short',
    //'site-date-' => '', // Date tokens expanded below
    'current-page-path' => 'current-page:path',
    'current-page-url' => 'current-page:url',
    'page-number' => 'current-page:page-number',
    // Comment tokens
    'comment-cid' => 'comment:cid',
    'comment-nid' => 'comment:node:nid',
    'comment-title' => 'comment:title',
    'comment-body' => 'comment:body',
    'comment-author-name' => 'comment:author:name',
    'comment-author-mail' => 'comment:author:mail',
    //'comment-body-format' => '',

    //'comment-' => '', // Date tokens expanded below
    'comment-node-title' => 'comment:node',
    // Node tokens
    'nid' => 'node:nid',
    'type' => 'node:type',
    'type-name' => 'node:type-name',
    'language' => 'node:language',
    'title' => 'node:title',
    'author-uid' => 'node:author:uid',
    'author-name' => 'node:author:name',
    'author-mail' => 'node:author:mail',
    'node_comment_count' => 'node:comment-count',
    'unread_comment_count' => 'node:comment-count-new',
    'log' => 'node:log',
    //'' => '', // Date tokens expanded below

    //'mod-' => '', // Date tokens expanded below
    'menupath' => 'node:menu-link:parent:path][node:menu-link',
    'menu' => 'node:menu-link:menu-name',
    'menu-link-title' => 'node:menu-link',
    'menu-link-mlid' => 'node:menu-link:mlid',
    'menu-link-plid' => 'node:menu-link:parent:mlid',
    //'term' => 'node:term',

    //'term-id' => 'node:term:tid',

    //'vocab' => 'node:term:vocabulary',

    //'vocab-id' => 'node:term:vocabulary:vid',

    // Book tokens

    //'book' => 'node:book',

    //'book_id' => 'node:book:bid',

    //'bookpath' => 'node:book:path',

    // Taxonomy tokens
    'tid' => 'term:tid',
    'cat' => 'term:name',
    'cat-description' => 'term:description',
    'vid' => 'term:vocabulary:vid',
    'vocab' => 'term:vocabulary',
    'vocab-description' => 'term:vocabulary:description',
    // User tokens
    'user' => 'user:name',
    'uid' => 'user:uid',
    'mail' => 'user:mail',
    'reg-date' => 'user:created',
    'reg-since' => 'user:created:since',
    //'user-created' => '', // Date tokens expanded below
    'log-date' => 'user:last-login',
    'log-since' => 'user:last-login:since',
    //'user-last-login' => '', // Date tokens expanded below

    //'date-in-tz' => '',
    'account-url' => 'user:url',
    'account-edit' => 'user:edit-url',

  // Account for date tokens which need to be expanded.
  $tokens += _token_upgrade_token_date_list('site-', 'site:date');
  $tokens += _token_upgrade_token_date_list('', 'node:created');
  $tokens += _token_upgrade_token_date_list('mod-', 'node:changed');

  //$tokens += _token_upgrade_token_date_list('node-revision-', 'node:changed');
  $tokens += _token_upgrade_token_date_list('comment-', 'comment:created');
  $tokens += _token_upgrade_token_date_list('user-register-', 'user:created');
  $tokens += _token_upgrade_token_date_list('user-last-login-', 'user:last-login');
  return $tokens;