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class FileApi in TMGMT Translator Smartling 8.3

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.4 vendor/smartling/api-sdk-php/src/File/FileApi.php \Smartling\File\FileApi
  2. 8.2 api-sdk-php/src/File/FileApi.php \Smartling\File\FileApi
  3. 8.2 vendor/smartling/api-sdk-php/src/File/FileApi.php \Smartling\File\FileApi

Class FileApi

@package Smartling\Api


Expanded class hierarchy of FileApi

6 files declare their use of FileApi
BaseApiAbstractTest.php in vendor/smartling/api-sdk-php/tests/unit/BaseApiAbstractTest.php
FileApiFunctionalTest.php in vendor/smartling/api-sdk-php/tests/functional/FileApiFunctionalTest.php
FileApiTest.php in vendor/smartling/api-sdk-php/tests/unit/FileApiTest.php
JobsApiFunctionalTest.php in vendor/smartling/api-sdk-php/tests/functional/JobsApiFunctionalTest.php
SmartlingApiFactory.php in src/Smartling/SmartlingApiFactory.php

... See full list


vendor/smartling/api-sdk-php/src/File/FileApi.php, line 20


View source
class FileApi extends BaseApiAbstract {
  const ENDPOINT_URL = '';

   * @param AuthApiInterface $authProvider
   * @param string $projectId
   * @param LoggerInterface $logger
   * @return FileApi
  public static function create(AuthApiInterface $authProvider, $projectId, $logger = null) {
    $client = self::initializeHttpClient(self::ENDPOINT_URL);
    $instance = new self($projectId, $client, $logger, self::ENDPOINT_URL);
    return $instance;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  protected function processBodyOptions($requestData = []) {
    $opts = parent::processBodyOptions($requestData);
    $key = 'file';
    if (!empty($opts['multipart'])) {
      foreach ($opts['multipart'] as &$data) {
        if ($data['name'] == $key) {
          $data['contents'] = $this
    return $opts;

   * Uploads original source content to Smartling.
   * @param string $realPath
   *   Real path to the file to read in into stream.
   * @param string $file_name
   *   Value that uniquely identifies the uploaded file. This ID can be used to
   *   request the file back.
   * @param string $file_type
   *   Unique identifier for the file type. Permitted values: android, ios,
   *   gettext, html, javaProperties, yaml, xliff, xml, json, docx, pptx, xlsx,
   *   idml, qt, resx, plaintext, cvs, stringsdict.
   * @param UploadFileParameters $params
   *   (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following
   *   elements:
   *   - 'approved': Determines whether content in the file is authorized
   *     (available for translation) upon submitting the file via the Smartling
   *     Dashboard.
   *   - 'localesToApprove': This value, if set, authorizes strings for
   *     translation into specific locales.
   * @return array
   *   Data about uploaded file.
   * @throws \Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException
   * @see
  public function uploadFile($realPath, $file_name, $file_type, UploadFileParameters $params = null) {
    if (is_null($params)) {
      $params = new UploadFileParameters();
    $params = $params
    $params['file'] = $realPath;
    $params['fileUri'] = $file_name;
    $params['fileType'] = $file_type;
    $requestData = $this
      ->getDefaultRequestData('multipart', $params);
    return $this
      ->sendRequest('file', $requestData, self::HTTP_METHOD_POST);

   * Downloads the requested file from Smartling.
   * It is important to check the HTTP response status code. If Smartling finds
   * and returns the file normally, you will receive a 200 SUCCESS response.
   * If you receive any other response status code than 200, the requested
   * file will not be part of the response.
   * @param string $fileUri
   *   Value that uniquely identifies the downloaded file.
   * @param string $locale
   *   A locale identifier as specified in project setup. If no locale
   *   is specified, original content is returned.
   * @param DownloadFileParameters $params
   *   (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following
   *   elements:
   *   - 'retrievalType': Determines the desired format for the download. Could
   *     be one of following values:
   *     pending|published|pseudo|contextMatchingInstrumented
   *   - 'includeOriginalStrings': Boolean that specifies whether Smartling will
   *     return the original string or an empty string where no translation
   *     is available.
   * @return string
   *   File content.
   * @throws \Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException
   * @see
  public function downloadFile($fileUri, $locale = '', DownloadFileParameters $params = null) {
    if (!is_string($locale) || strlen($locale) < 2) {
      $message = vsprintf('Invalid locale value got. Expected a string of at least 2 chars length, but got: %s', [
        '' === $locale ? 'Empty string' : var_export($locale, true),
      throw new SmartlingApiException($message);
    $params = is_null($params) ? [] : $params
    $params['fileUri'] = $fileUri;
    $requestData = $this
      ->getDefaultRequestData('query', $params);
    return $this
      ->sendRequest("locales/{$locale}/file", $requestData, self::HTTP_METHOD_GET, true);

   * Retrieves status about file translation progress.
   * @param string $fileUri
   *   Value that uniquely identifies the file.
   * @param string $locale
   *   A locale identifier as specified in project setup.
   * @param ParameterInterface $params
   *   Additional parameters that might be added later
   * @return array Data about request file.
   * Data about request file.
   * @throws SmartlingApiException
   * @see
  public function getStatus($fileUri, $locale, ParameterInterface $params = null) {
    $params = is_null($params) ? [] : $params
    $params['fileUri'] = $fileUri;
    $requestData = $this
      ->getDefaultRequestData('query', $params);
    return $this
      ->sendRequest("locales/{$locale}/file/status", $requestData, self::HTTP_METHOD_GET);

   * Retrieves status about file translation progress for all locales.
   * @param string $fileUri
   *   Value that uniquely identifies the file.
   * @param ParameterInterface $params
   *   Additional parameters that might be added later
   * @return array Data about request file.
   * Data about request file.
   * @throws SmartlingApiException
   * @see
  public function getStatusForAllLocales($fileUri, ParameterInterface $params = null) {
    $params = is_null($params) ? [] : $params
    $params['fileUri'] = $fileUri;
    $requestData = $this
      ->getDefaultRequestData('query', $params);
    return $this
      ->sendRequest("/file/status", $requestData, self::HTTP_METHOD_GET);

   * Lists recently uploaded files. Returns a maximum of 500 files.
   * @param ListFilesParameters $params
   *   (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following
   *   elements:
   *   - 'uriMask': Returns only files with a URI containing a given string.
   *     Case is ignored and % is a wildcard. For example, the value .js%n will
   *     match strings.json and STRINGS.JSON but not json.strings.
   *   - 'fileTypes': Identifiers: android, ios, gettext, html, javaProperties,
   *     yaml, xliff, xml, json, docx, pptx, xlsx, idml, qt, resx, plaintext,
   *     cvs. File types are combined using the logical "OR".
   *   - 'lastUploadedAfter': Returns all files uploaded after the specified
   *     date.
   *   - 'lastUploadedBefore': Returns all files uploaded before the specified
   *     date.
   *   - 'offset': For result set returns, the offset is a number indicating the
   *     distance from the beginning of the list; for example, for a result set
   *     of "50" files, you can set the offset at 10 to return files 10 - 50.
   *   - 'limit': For result set returns, limits the number of files returned;
   *     for example, for a result set of 50 files, a limit of "10" would
   *     return files 0 - 10.
   * @return array
   *   List of files objects.
   * @throws \Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException
   * @see
  public function getList(ListFilesParameters $params = null) {
    $params = is_null($params) ? [] : $params
    $requestData = $this
      ->getDefaultRequestData('query', $params);
    return $this
      ->sendRequest('files/list', $requestData, self::HTTP_METHOD_GET);

   * @param string $locale
   * @param ExtendedListFilesParameters|null $params
   *   same as ListFilesParameters, but with a new property 'status' which for now
   *   can only be of a value 'COMPLETED'
   * @return bool
  public function getExtendedList($locale, ExtendedListFilesParameters $params = null) {
    $params = is_null($params) ? [] : $params
    $requestData = $this
      ->getDefaultRequestData('query', $params);
    return $this
      ->sendRequest("locales/{$locale}/files/list", $requestData, self::HTTP_METHOD_GET);

   * Renames an uploaded file by changing the fileUri.
   * After renaming the file, the file will only be identified by the new
   * fileUri you provide.
   * @param string $fileUri
   *   Current value that uniquely identifies the file.
   * @param string $newFileUri
   *   The new value for fileUri. We recommend that you use file path + file
   *   name, similar to how version control systems identify the file.
   * @param ParameterInterface $params
   * @return string Just empty string if everything was successfully.
   * Just empty string if everything was successfully.
   * @throws SmartlingApiException
   * @see
  public function renameFile($fileUri, $newFileUri, ParameterInterface $params = null) {
    $params = is_null($params) ? [] : $params
    $params['fileUri'] = $fileUri;
    $params['newFileUri'] = $newFileUri;
    $requestData = $this
      ->getDefaultRequestData('form_params', $params);
    return $this
      ->sendRequest('file/rename', $requestData, self::HTTP_METHOD_POST);

   * Removes the file from Smartling.
   * The file will no longer be available for download. Any complete
   * translations for the file remain available for use within the system.
   * Smartling deletes files asynchronously and it typically takes a few minutes
   * to complete. While deleting a file, you can not upload a file with the
   * same fileUri.
   * @param string $fileUri
   * @param ParameterInterface $params
   * @return array
   * @throws SmartlingApiException
  public function deleteFile($fileUri, ParameterInterface $params = null) {
    $params = is_null($params) ? [] : $params
    $params['fileUri'] = $fileUri;
    $requestData = $this
      ->getDefaultRequestData('form_params', $params);
    return $this
      ->sendRequest('file/delete', $requestData, self::HTTP_METHOD_POST);

   * Import files form Service.
   * @param string $locale
   *   The Smartling locale identifier for the language Smartling is importing.
   * @param string $fileUri
   *   The Smartling URI for file that contains the original language strings
   *   already uploaded to Smartling.
   * @param string $fileType
   *   The type of file used for imports. Valid values are: ios, android,
   *   gettext, javaProperties, xml, json, yaml, and csv.
   * @param string $fileRealPath
   *   Absolute path to the file on your local machine that contains the
   *   translated content,
   * @param string $translationState
   *   Value indicating the workflow state to import the translations into.
   *   Content will be imported into the language's default workflow.
   *   Could be 'PUBLISHED' or 'POST_TRANSLATION'.
   * @param boolean $overwrite
   *   (optional) An associative array of additional options, with the following
   *   elements:
   *   - 'overwrite': Boolean indicating whether or not to overwrite existing
   *     translations.
   * @return string
   * @throws \Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException
   * @see
  public function import($locale, $fileUri, $fileType, $fileRealPath, $translationState, $overwrite = false) {
    $params['fileUri'] = $fileUri;
    $params['fileType'] = $fileType;
    $params['file'] = $fileRealPath;
    $params['translationState'] = $translationState;
    $params['overwrite'] = $overwrite;
    $requestData = $this
      ->getDefaultRequestData('multipart', $params);
    return $this
      ->sendRequest("/locales/{$locale}/file/import", $requestData, self::HTTP_METHOD_POST);

   * Get list of authorized locales for given file.
   * @param string $fileUri
   * @param ParameterInterface $params
   * @return array
   * @throws SmartlingApiException
  public function getAuthorizedLocales($fileUri, ParameterInterface $params = null) {
    $params = is_null($params) ? [] : $params
    $params['fileUri'] = $fileUri;
    $requestData = $this
      ->getDefaultRequestData('query', $params);
    return $this
      ->sendRequest('file/authorized-locales', $requestData, self::HTTP_METHOD_GET);

   * retrieve all statuses about file translations progress
   * @param                    $fileUri
   * @param ParameterInterface $params
   * @return array
   * @throws SmartlingApiException
  public function getStatusAllLocales($fileUri, ParameterInterface $params = null) {
    $params = is_null($params) ? [] : $params
    $params['fileUri'] = $fileUri;
    $requestData = $this
      ->getDefaultRequestData('query', $params);
    return $this
      ->sendRequest('file/status', $requestData, self::HTTP_METHOD_GET);

   * retrieve all statuses about file translations progress
   * @param string $fileUri
   * @param ParameterInterface $params
   * @return array
   * @throws SmartlingApiException
  public function getLastModified($fileUri, ParameterInterface $params = null) {
    $params = is_null($params) ? [] : $params
    $params['fileUri'] = $fileUri;
    $requestData = $this
      ->getDefaultRequestData('query', $params);
    return $this
      ->sendRequest('file/last-modified', $requestData, self::HTTP_METHOD_GET);

   * Requests last-modified value for all locales for file
   * @param string $fileUri
   *   Value that uniquely identifies the uploaded file. This ID can be used to
   *   request the file back.
   * @param ParameterInterface $params
   * @return array
   *   Data about uploaded file.
   * @throws \Smartling\Exceptions\SmartlingApiException
   * @see
  public function lastModified($fileUri, ParameterInterface $params = null) {
    $result = $this
      ->getLastModified($fileUri, $params);
    if (!is_array($result) || !array_key_exists('items', $result) || !is_array($result['items'])) {
      throw new SmartlingApiException(vsprintf('No data found for file %s.', [

    /** @noinspection OffsetOperationsInspection */
    foreach ($result['items'] as &$item) {
      if (!isset($item['lastModified'])) {
        throw new SmartlingApiException('Property "lastModified" is not found.');

      // Smartling returns UTC dates. Let's define this explicitly and
      // avoid issues when default php timezone is not UTC.
      $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat(self::PATTERN_DATE_TIME_ISO_8601, $item['lastModified'], new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
      if (!$date instanceof \DateTime) {
        throw new SmartlingApiException(vsprintf('Can\'t parse formatted time string: %s.', [
      $item['lastModified'] = $date;
    return $result;



Namesort descending Modifiers Type Description Overrides
BaseApiAbstract::$auth private property
BaseApiAbstract::$baseUrl private property Smartling API base url.
BaseApiAbstract::$currentClientId private static property
BaseApiAbstract::$currentClientUserAgentExtension private static property
BaseApiAbstract::$currentClientVersion private static property
BaseApiAbstract::$httpClient private property Http Client abstraction.
BaseApiAbstract::$logger private property Logger.
BaseApiAbstract::$projectId private property Project Id in Smartling dashboard
BaseApiAbstract::checkAuthenticationError private function
BaseApiAbstract::CLIENT_LIB_ID_SDK constant
BaseApiAbstract::CLIENT_LIB_ID_VERSION constant
BaseApiAbstract::getAuth protected function
BaseApiAbstract::getBaseUrl protected function
BaseApiAbstract::getCurrentClientId public static function
BaseApiAbstract::getCurrentClientUserAgentExtension public static function
BaseApiAbstract::getCurrentClientVersion public static function
BaseApiAbstract::getDefaultRequestData protected function 1
BaseApiAbstract::getHttpClient protected function
BaseApiAbstract::getLogger protected function
BaseApiAbstract::getProjectId protected function
BaseApiAbstract::HTTP_METHOD_DELETE constant
BaseApiAbstract::HTTP_METHOD_GET constant
BaseApiAbstract::HTTP_METHOD_POST constant
BaseApiAbstract::HTTP_METHOD_PUT constant
BaseApiAbstract::initializeHttpClient protected static function
BaseApiAbstract::normalizeUri private function
BaseApiAbstract::PATTERN_DATE_TIME_ISO_8601 constant PHP equivalent to 'YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ'
BaseApiAbstract::processError private function
BaseApiAbstract::processErrors private function
BaseApiAbstract::readFile protected function OOP wrapper for fopen() function.
BaseApiAbstract::sendRequest protected function
BaseApiAbstract::setAuth protected function
BaseApiAbstract::setBaseUrl protected function
BaseApiAbstract::setCurrentClientId public static function
BaseApiAbstract::setCurrentClientUserAgentExtension public static function
BaseApiAbstract::setCurrentClientVersion public static function
BaseApiAbstract::setHttpClient protected function
BaseApiAbstract::setLogger protected function
BaseApiAbstract::setProjectId protected function
BaseApiAbstract::__construct public function BaseApiAbstract constructor. 3
FileApi::create public static function
FileApi::deleteFile public function Removes the file from Smartling.
FileApi::downloadFile public function Downloads the requested file from Smartling.
FileApi::ENDPOINT_URL constant
FileApi::getAuthorizedLocales public function Get list of authorized locales for given file.
FileApi::getExtendedList public function
FileApi::getLastModified public function retrieve all statuses about file translations progress
FileApi::getList public function Lists recently uploaded files. Returns a maximum of 500 files.
FileApi::getStatus public function Retrieves status about file translation progress.
FileApi::getStatusAllLocales public function retrieve all statuses about file translations progress
FileApi::getStatusForAllLocales public function Retrieves status about file translation progress for all locales.
FileApi::import public function Import files form Service.
FileApi::lastModified public function Requests last-modified value for all locales for file
FileApi::processBodyOptions protected function Overrides BaseApiAbstract::processBodyOptions
FileApi::renameFile public function Renames an uploaded file by changing the fileUri.
FileApi::uploadFile public function Uploads original source content to Smartling.