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function tmgmt_redirect_queue_set in Translation Management Tool 8

Set a redirect queue that can then be worked through.


$redirects: An array of redirect url's to be processed. For example checkout pages as returned by tmgmt_job_checkout_multiple().

$destination: A final destination to go to after the queue has been processed.


Deprecated in 8.x-1.x, use \Drupal\tmgmt\JobQueue::startQueue() instead.

2 calls to tmgmt_redirect_queue_set()
tmgmt_job_checkout_and_redirect in ./tmgmt.module
Attempts to checkout a number of jobs and prepare the necessary redirects.
tmgmt_translation_review_form_update_state in ./tmgmt.module
Callback for the action at the job item review form.


./tmgmt.module, line 870
Main module file for the Translation Management module.


function tmgmt_redirect_queue_set(array $redirects, $destination = NULL) {
  $_SESSION['tmgmt']['redirect_queue'] = $redirects;
  $_SESSION['tmgmt']['destination'] = $destination;