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function tmgmt_job_request_translation in Translation Management Tool 8

Requests translations for a job and prints messages which have happened since then.


\Drupal\tmgmt\JobInterface $job: The job object for which translations should be requested.

Return value

TRUE if it worked, FALSE if there were any errors of the type error which means that something did go wrong.


Deprecated in 8.x-1.x, use \Drupal\tmgmt\JobCheckoutManager::requestTranslation() instead.

1 call to tmgmt_job_request_translation()
tmgmt_job_checkout_multiple in ./tmgmt.module
Attempts to check out a number of jobs. Performs a number of checks on each job and also allows to alter the behavior through hooks.


./tmgmt.module, line 698
Main module file for the Translation Management module.


function tmgmt_job_request_translation(JobInterface $job) {

  // Process the translation request.
  return tmgmt_write_request_messages($job);