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6 calls to tmgmt_translator_ui_controller() in Translation Management Tool 7

tmgmt_ui_checkout_info in ui/includes/
Helper function for retrieving the rendered job checkout information.
tmgmt_ui_checkout_settings_form in ui/includes/
Helper function for retrieving the job settings form.
tmgmt_ui_plugin_settings_form in ui/includes/
Helper function for retrieving the translator settings form.
tmgmt_ui_translation_review_form in ui/tmgmt_ui.module
Form callback for the job item review form.
tmgmt_ui_translation_review_form_submit in ui/tmgmt_ui.module
Submit callback for the job item review form.
tmgmt_ui_translation_review_form_validate in ui/tmgmt_ui.module
Validation callback for the job item review form.