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6 calls to tmgmt_translator_load_multiple() in Translation Management Tool 7

TMGMTTranslatorUIController::overviewForm in ui/includes/
Builds the entity overview form.
TMGMTTranslatorUIController::overviewFormSubmit in ui/includes/
Overview form submit callback.
tmgmt_local_clear_languages_cache in translators/tmgmt_local/tmgmt_local.module
Helper function for clearing the languages cache of all local translators.
tmgmt_translator_labels in ./tmgmt.module
Returns a list of all available translator labels.
tmgmt_translator_labels_flagged in ./tmgmt.module
Returns a list of flagged translator labels. If a translator is not available it will be suffixed with a short text explaining why it is not available. This can either be because the configuration of the passed job is not supported or because the…
tmgmt_translator_load_available in ./tmgmt.module
Loads all translators that are available and, if a translation job is given, support translations for that job with its current configuration.