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10 calls to tmgmt_ensure_keys_array() in Translation Management Tool 7

TMGMTFileformatXLIFF::addTransUnit in translators/file/
Adds a single translation unit for a data element.
TMGMTFileformatXLIFF::validateImport in translators/file/
Validates that the given file is valid and can be imported.
TMGMTJob::addTranslatedData in entity/
Store translated data back into the items.
TMGMTJobItem::addTranslatedDataRecursive in entity/
Recursively writes translated data to the data array of a job item.
TMGMTJobItem::updateData in entity/
Updates the values for a specific substructure in the data array.
TMGMTLocalTaskItem::updateData in translators/tmgmt_local/entity/
Updates the values for a specific substructure in the data array.
tmgmt_local_translation_form_element in translators/tmgmt_local/includes/
Builds a translation form element.
tmgmt_ui_translation_review_form_reject_confirm in ui/tmgmt_ui.module
Form callback for the reject confirm form.
tmgmt_ui_translation_review_form_revert in ui/tmgmt_ui.module
Review form revert action callback.
tmgmt_ui_translation_review_form_update_state in ui/tmgmt_ui.module
Callback for the action at the job item review form.