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function TMGMTUpgradeAlpha1TestCase::testUpgradePath in Translation Management Tool 7

Verifies that the data has been migrated properly


tests/tmgmt.upgrade.alpha1.test, line 67


Upgrade tests.


function testUpgradePath() {

  // Log in as a user with enough permissions.
  $translator = $this
    'administer tmgmt',

  // Go to a job and check the review form.

  // Make sure the #status values have been set accordingly.
    ->assertRaw(t('Accepted: @accepted, reviewed: @reviewed, translated: @translated, pending: @pending.', array(
    '@accepted' => 0,
    '@reviewed' => 0,
    '@translated' => 2,
    '@pending' => 0,

  // Extract the word count field and make sure it's correct.
  $word_count = $this
    ->xpath('//td[contains(@class, :class)]', array(
    ':class' => 'views-field-word-count-1',
    ->assertEqual(6, trim((string) reset($word_count)));

  // Needs review icon.
    ->assertRaw('tmgmt-ui-icon-yellow tmgmt-ui-state-translated');

  // Translated values.
    ->assertRaw('de_Test content');
    ->assertRaw('de_This is the body.');

  // Reject button.

  // Check that accepted count has been updated correctly.

  // Make sure the #status values have been set accordingly.
    ->assertRaw(t('Accepted: @accepted, reviewed: @reviewed, translated: @translated, pending: @pending.', array(
    '@accepted' => 2,
    '@reviewed' => 0,
    '@translated' => 0,
    '@pending' => 0,