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function TMGMTNodeSourceUITestCase::testCart in Translation Management Tool 7

Test the node source specific cart functionality.


sources/node/ui/tmgmt_node_ui.test, line 423


Basic Node Source UI tests.


function testCart() {
  $nodes = array();
  for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) {
    $nodes[] = $this
    ->loginAsAdmin(array_merge($this->translator_permissions, array(
    'translate content',

  // Test the source overview.
    ->drupalPost('admin/tmgmt/sources/node', array(
    'views_bulk_operations[0]' => TRUE,
    'views_bulk_operations[1]' => TRUE,
  ), t('Add to cart'));

  // Test the translate tab.
    ->drupalGet('node/' . $nodes[3]->nid . '/translate');
    ->assertRaw(t('There are @count items in the <a href="@url">translation cart</a>.', array(
    '@count' => 2,
    '@url' => url('admin/tmgmt/cart'),
    ->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Add to cart'));
    ->assertRaw(t('@count content source was added into the <a href="@url">cart</a>.', array(
    '@count' => 1,
    '@url' => url('admin/tmgmt/cart'),
    ->assertRaw(t('There are @count items in the <a href="@url">translation cart</a> including the current item.', array(
    '@count' => 3,
    '@url' => url('admin/tmgmt/cart'),