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public function TMGMTNodeSourcePluginController::saveTranslation in Translation Management Tool 7

Saves a translation.


TMGMTJobItem $job_item: The job item entity.

Return value

boolean TRUE if the translation was saved successfully, FALSE otherwise.

Overrides TMGMTSourcePluginControllerInterface::saveTranslation


sources/node/, line 51
Provides the node source plugin controller.


@file Provides the node source plugin controller.


public function saveTranslation(TMGMTJobItem $job_item) {
  if ($node = node_load($job_item->item_id)) {
    $job = $job_item
    if (empty($node->tnid)) {

      // We have no translation source nid, this is a new set, so create it.
      $node->tnid = $node->nid;
    $translations = translation_node_get_translations($node->tnid);
    if (isset($translations[$job->target_language])) {

      // We have already a translation for the source node for the target
      // language, so load it.
      $tnode = node_load($translations[$job->target_language]->nid);
    else {

      // We don't have a translation for the source node yet, so create one.
      $tnode = clone $node;
      unset($tnode->nid, $tnode->vid, $tnode->uuid, $tnode->vuuid);
      $tnode->language = $job->target_language;
      $tnode->translation_source = $node;

    // Allow modules and translator plugins to alter, for example in the
    // case of creating revisions for translated nodes, or altering
    // properties of the tnode before saving.
    drupal_alter('tmgmt_before_update_node_translation', $tnode, $node, $job_item);

    // Time to put the translated data into the node.
    $data = $job_item

    // Special case for the node title.
    if (isset($data['node_title']['#translation']['#text'])) {
      $tnode->title = $data['node_title']['#translation']['#text'];
    tmgmt_field_populate_entity('node', $tnode, $job->target_language, $data, FALSE);

    // Reset translation field, which determines outdated status.
    $tnode->translation['status'] = 0;

    // We just saved the translation, set the sate of the job item to
    // 'finished'.