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9 calls to TMGMTTranslator::getController() in Translation Management Tool 7

TMGMTTranslator::canTranslate in entity/
Check whether this translator can handle a particular translation job.
TMGMTTranslator::getNotAvailableReason in entity/
@todo Remove this once is done.
TMGMTTranslator::getNotCanTranslateReason in entity/
@todo Remove this once is done.
TMGMTTranslator::getSetting in entity/
Retrieves a setting value from the translator settings. Pulls the default values (if defined) from the plugin controller.
TMGMTTranslator::getSupportedLanguagePairs in entity/
Gets the supported language pairs for this translator.
TMGMTTranslator::getSupportedTargetLanguages in entity/
Returns the supported target languages for this translator.
TMGMTTranslator::hasCheckoutSettings in entity/
Returns if the plugin has any settings for this job.
TMGMTTranslator::isAvailable in entity/
Checks whether a translator is available.
TMGMTTranslator::__destruct in entity/
Updates the language cache if it has changed.