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public function TMGMTJobItem::acceptTranslation in Translation Management Tool 7

Propagates the returned job item translations to the sources.

Return value

boolean TRUE if we were able to propagate the translated data and the item could be saved, FALSE otherwise.

1 call to TMGMTJobItem::acceptTranslation()
TMGMTJobItem::needsReview in entity/
Sets the state of the job item to 'needs review'.


entity/, line 781


Entity class for the tmgmt_job entity.


public function acceptTranslation() {
  if (!$this
    ->isNeedsReview() || !($controller = $this
    ->getSourceController())) {
    return FALSE;

  // We don't know if the source plugin was able to save the translation after
  // this point. That means that the plugin has to set the 'accepted' states
  // on its own.