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public function TMGMTJob::getSuggestions in Translation Management Tool 7

Invoke the hook 'hook_tmgmt_source_suggestions' to get all suggestions.


arary $conditions: Conditions to pass only some and not all items to the hook.

Return value

array An array with all additional translation suggestions.

  • job_item: A TMGMTJobItem instance.
  • referenced: A string which indicates where this suggestion comes from.
  • from_job: The main TMGMTJob-ID which suggests this translation.


entity/, line 831


Entity class for the tmgmt_job entity.


public function getSuggestions(array $conditions = array()) {
  $suggestions = module_invoke_all('tmgmt_source_suggestions', $this
    ->getItems($conditions), $this);

  // Each TMGMTJob needs a job id to be able to count the words, because the
  // source-language is stored in the job and not the item.
  foreach ($suggestions as &$suggestion) {
    $jobItem = $suggestion['job_item'];
    $jobItem->tjid = $this->tjid;
  return $suggestions;