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function title_form_node_type_form_builder in Title 8.2

Entity builder for the node type form with title options.

See also


1 string reference to 'title_form_node_type_form_builder'
title_form_node_type_edit_form_alter in ./title.module
Implements hook_form__FORM_ID_alter().


./title.module, line 47
Convert titles into fields which can be display manipulated.


function title_form_node_type_form_builder($entity_type, $type, &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
  $config_manager = \Drupal::service('title.config_manager');
  $state = $form_state
    ->setEnabled($type, $state);

  // Setup some basic state such as placing the title into the correct regions
  // on the view modes.
  if ($state) {
  else {