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function tinymce_config in TinyMCE 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 tinymce.module \tinymce_config()
  2. 5 tinymce.module \tinymce_config()
  3. 6 tinymce.module \tinymce_config()

Return an array of initial tinymce config options from the current role.

1 call to tinymce_config()
tinymce_process_textarea in ./tinymce.module
Attach tinymce to a textarea


./tinymce.module, line 478
Integrate the TinyMCE editor ( into Drupal.


function tinymce_config($profile) {
  global $user;

  // Drupal theme path.
  $themepath = path_to_theme() . '/';
  $host = base_path();
  $settings = $profile->settings;

  // Build a default list of TinyMCE settings.
  // Is tinymce on by default?
  $status = tinymce_user_get_status($user, $profile);
  $init['mode'] = $status == 'true' ? 'exact' : 'none';

  //  $init['mode']               = "textareas";
  $init['theme'] = $settings['theme'] ? $settings['theme'] : 'advanced';
  $init['relative_urls'] = 'false';
  $init['document_base_url'] = "{$host}";
  $init['language'] = $settings['language'] ? $settings['language'] : 'en';
  $init['safari_warning'] = $settings['safari_message'] ? $settings['safari_message'] : 'false';
  $init['entity_encoding'] = 'raw';
  $init['verify_html'] = $settings['verify_html'] ? $settings['verify_html'] : 'false';
  $init['preformatted'] = $settings['preformatted'] ? $settings['preformatted'] : 'false';
  $init['convert_fonts_to_spans'] = $settings['convert_fonts_to_spans'] ? $settings['convert_fonts_to_spans'] : 'false';
  $init['remove_linebreaks'] = $settings['remove_linebreaks'] ? $settings['remove_linebreaks'] : 'true';
  $init['apply_source_formatting'] = $settings['apply_source_formatting'] ? $settings['apply_source_formatting'] : 'true';
  $init['theme_advanced_resize_horizontal'] = 'false';
  $init['theme_advanced_resizing_use_cookie'] = 'false';
  $tinymce_mod_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'tinymce');
  if (is_dir($tinymce_mod_path . '/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/imagemanager/') && user_access('access tinymce imagemanager')) {

    // we probably need more security than this
    $init['file_browser_callback'] = "mcImageManager.filebrowserCallBack";
  if (is_dir($tinymce_mod_path . '/tinymce/jscripts/tiny_mce/plugins/filemanager/') && user_access('access tinymce filemanager')) {

    // we probably need more security than this
    $init['file_browser_callback'] = "mcImageManager.filebrowserCallBack";

  // Add support for IMCE if available.
  if (module_exists('imce') && imce_access()) {
    $init['file_browser_callback'] = 'mceImageBrowser';
  if ($init['theme'] == 'advanced') {
    $init['plugins'] = array();
    $init['theme_advanced_toolbar_location'] = $settings['toolbar_loc'] ? $settings['toolbar_loc'] : 'bottom';
    $init['theme_advanced_toolbar_align'] = $settings['toolbar_align'] ? $settings['toolbar_align'] : 'left';
    $init['theme_advanced_path_location'] = $settings['path_loc'] ? $settings['path_loc'] : 'bottom';
    $init['theme_advanced_resizing'] = $settings['resizing'] ? $settings['resizing'] : 'true';
    $init['theme_advanced_blockformats'] = $settings['block_formats'] ? $settings['block_formats'] : 'p,address,pre,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6';
    if (is_array($settings['buttons'])) {

      // This gives us the $plugins variable.
      $plugins = _tinymce_get_buttons();

      // Find the enabled buttons and the mce row they belong on. Also map the
      // plugin metadata for each button.
      $plugin_tracker = array();
      foreach ($plugins as $rname => $rplugin) {

        // Plugin name
        foreach ($rplugin as $mce_key => $mce_value) {

          // TinyMCE key
          foreach ($mce_value as $k => $v) {

            // Buttons
            if (isset($settings['buttons'][$rname . '-' . $v])) {

              // Font isn't a true plugin, rather it's buttons made available by the advanced theme
              if (!in_array($rname, $plugin_tracker) && $rname != 'font') {
                $plugin_tracker[] = $rname;
              $init[$mce_key][] = $v;

        // Some advanced plugins only have an $rname and no buttons
        if (isset($settings['buttons'][$rname])) {
          if (!in_array($rname, $plugin_tracker)) {
            $plugin_tracker[] = $rname;

      // Add the rest of the TinyMCE config options to the $init array for each button.
      if (is_array($plugin_tracker)) {
        foreach ($plugin_tracker as $pname) {
          if ($pname != 'default') {
            $init['plugins'][] = $pname;
          foreach ($plugins[$pname] as $mce_key => $mce_value) {

            // Don't overwrite buttons or extended_valid_elements
            if ($mce_key == 'extended_valid_elements') {

              // $mce_value is an array for extended_valid_elements so just grab the first element in the array (never more than one)
              $init[$mce_key][] = $mce_value[0];
            elseif (!strstr($mce_key, 'theme_advanced_buttons')) {
              $init[$mce_key] = $mce_value;

      // Cleanup
      foreach ($init as $mce_key => $mce_value) {
        if (is_array($mce_value)) {
          $mce_value = array_unique($mce_value);
        $init[$mce_key] = $mce_value;

      // Shuffle buttons around so that row 1 always has the most buttons,
      // followed by row 2, etc. Note: These rows need to be set to NULL otherwise
      // TinyMCE loads it's own buttons inherited from the theme.
      if (!isset($init['theme_advanced_buttons1'])) {
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons1'] = array();
      if (!isset($init['theme_advanced_buttons2'])) {
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons2'] = array();
      if (!isset($init['theme_advanced_buttons3'])) {
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons3'] = array();

      // bweh - this isn't right!
      // some buttons should go in a specific order:
      // row 1
      // - cut
      // - copy
      // - paste
      // - pasteword
      // - separator
      // - undo
      // - redo
      // - separator
      // - bold
      // - italic
      // - underline
      // - separator
      // row 2
      // - formatselect
      // - fontselect
      // - fontsizeselect
      // - separator
      // - justifyleft
      // - justifycenter
      // - justifyright
      // - justifyfull
      // - separator
      // - numlist
      // - bullist
      // - indent
      // - outdent
      $buttons = array_merge($init['theme_advanced_buttons1'], $init['theme_advanced_buttons2'], $init['theme_advanced_buttons3']);
      $init['theme_advanced_buttons1'] = array();
      $init['theme_advanced_buttons2'] = array();
      $init['theme_advanced_buttons3'] = array();
      $row[] = array(
      $row[] = array(
      foreach ($row as $r_index => $r) {
        $row_buttons = array();
        foreach ($r as $rg_index => $rowgroup) {
          $selected = array_intersect($rowgroup, $buttons);
          if (count($selected) > 0) {
            if (count($row_buttons) > 0) {
              $row_buttons[] = "separator";
            $row_buttons = array_merge($row_buttons, $selected);
          $buttons = array_diff($buttons, $selected);
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons' . ($r_index + 1)] = $row_buttons;
      if (count($buttons) > 0) {

        // some buttons are left -> append them to row 3
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons3'] = array_merge($init['theme_advanced_buttons3'], $buttons);
      $min_btns = 5;

      // Minimum number of buttons per row.
      $num1 = count($init['theme_advanced_buttons1']);
      $num2 = count($init['theme_advanced_buttons2']);
      $num3 = count($init['theme_advanced_buttons3']);
      if ($num3 < $min_btns) {
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons2'][] = 'separator';
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons2'] = array_merge($init['theme_advanced_buttons2'], $init['theme_advanced_buttons3']);
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons3'] = array();
        $num2 = count($init['theme_advanced_buttons2']);
      if ($num2 < $min_btns) {
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons1'][] = 'separator';
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons1'] = array_merge($init['theme_advanced_buttons1'], $init['theme_advanced_buttons2']);

        // Squish the rows together, since row 2 is empty
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons2'] = $init['theme_advanced_buttons3'];
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons3'] = array();
        $num1 = count($init['theme_advanced_buttons1']);
      if ($num1 < $min_btns) {
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons1'] = array_merge($init['theme_advanced_buttons1'], $init['theme_advanced_buttons2']);

        // Squish the rows together, since row 2 is empty
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons2'] = $init['theme_advanced_buttons3'];
        $init['theme_advanced_buttons3'] = array();
  if ($settings['css_classes']) {
    $init['theme_advanced_styles'] = $settings['css_classes'];
  if ($settings['css_setting'] == 'theme') {
    $css = $themepath . 'style.css';
    if (file_exists($css)) {
      $init['content_css'] = $host . $css;
  elseif ($settings['css_setting'] == 'self') {
    $init['content_css'] = str_replace(array(
    ), array(
    ), $settings['css_path']);
  return $init;