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function tinymce_add_settings in TinyMCE 7

Editor JS settings callback; Add Aloha settings to the page for a format.


$editor: The editor object for which Aloha is adding its settings.

$format: The filter format object for which Aloha is adding its settings.

$existing_settings: Settings that have already been added to the page by filters.

1 call to tinymce_add_settings()
tinymce_wysiwyg_settings in includes/
Return JavaScript settings that should be passed to the WYSIWYG editor.
1 string reference to 'tinymce_add_settings'
tinymce_editor_info in ./tinymce.module
Implements hook_editor_info().


./tinymce.module, line 580


function tinymce_add_settings($editor, $format, $existing_settings) {
  global $language;

  // Loop through all available plugins and check to see if it has been
  // explicitly enabled. At the same time, associate each plugin with its
  // buttons (if any) so we can check if the plugin should be enabled implicitly
  // based on the toolbar.
  $plugin_info = tinymce_plugins();
  $external_plugins = array();
  $external_css = array();
  $all_buttons = array();
  foreach ($plugin_info as $plugin_name => $plugin) {

    // Check if this plugin should be enabled.
    if (isset($plugin['enabled callback'])) {
      if ($plugin['enabled callback'] === TRUE || $plugin['enabled callback']($editor, $plugin_name) && !empty($plugin['path'])) {
        $external_plugins[$plugin_name]['file'] = $plugin['file'];
        $external_plugins[$plugin_name]['path'] = $plugin['path'];
        if (isset($plugin['css'])) {
          $external_css = array_merge($external_css, $plugin['css']);

    // Associate each plugin with its button.
    if (isset($plugin['buttons'])) {
      if (empty($plugin['internal'])) {
        foreach ($plugin['buttons'] as $button_name => &$button) {
          $button['plugin'] = $plugin;
          $button['plugin']['name'] = $plugin_name;
      $all_buttons = array_merge($all_buttons, $plugin['buttons']);

  // Change the toolbar separators into groups and record needed plugins based
  // on use in the toolbar.
  $toolbar = array();
  foreach ($editor->settings['toolbar'] as $row_number => $row) {
    $button_group = array();
    foreach ($row as $button_name) {
      if ($button_name === '|') {
        $toolbar[] = $button_group;
        $button_group = array();
      else {

        // Sanity check that the button exists in our installation.
        if (isset($all_buttons[$button_name])) {
          $button_group['items'][] = $button_name;

          // Keep track of the needed plugin for this button, if any.
          if (isset($all_buttons[$button_name]['plugin']['path'])) {
            $plugin_name = $all_buttons[$button_name]['plugin']['name'];
            $external_plugin = $all_buttons[$button_name]['plugin'];
            $external_plugins[$plugin_name]['file'] = $external_plugin['file'];
            $external_plugins[$plugin_name]['path'] = $external_plugin['path'];
            if (isset($external_plugin['css'])) {
              $external_css = array_merge($external_css, $external_plugin['css']);
    $toolbar[] = $button_group;
    $toolbar[] = '/';

  // Collect a list of CSS files to be added to the editor instance.
  $css = array(
    drupal_get_path('module', 'tinymce') . '/css/tinymce.css',
    drupal_get_path('module', 'tinymce') . '/css/tinymce-iframe.css',
  $css = array_merge($css, $external_css, _tinymce_theme_css());
  drupal_alter('tinymce_css', $css, $editor, $format);

  // Convert all paths to be relative to root.
  foreach ($css as $key => $css_path) {
    $css[$key] = base_path() . $css_path;

  // Initialize reasonable defaults that provide expected basic bahvior.
  $settings = array(
    'toolbar' => $toolbar,
    'extraPlugins' => implode(',', array_keys($external_plugins)),
    'removePlugins' => 'image',
    //'forcePasteAsPlainText' => TRUE,
    'contentsCss' => array_values($css),
    'pasteFromWordPromptCleanup' => TRUE,
    'indentClasses' => array(
    'justifyClasses' => array(
    'coreStyles_underline' => array(
      'element' => 'span',
      'attributes' => array(
        'class' => 'underline',
    'format_tags' => implode(';', $editor->settings['format_list']),
    'removeDialogTabs' => 'image:Link;image:advanced;link:advanced',
    'language' => isset($language->language) ? $language->language : '',
    'resize_dir' => 'vertical',

  // These settings are used specifically by Drupal.
  $settings['externalPlugins'] = $external_plugins;
  return $settings;