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function hook_themekey_ui_author_theme_selected in ThemeKey 7.3

By implementing hook_themekey_ui_author_theme_selected() you can trigger actions based on the user associated with the theme selection.


int $uid: user id associated with the theme selection

string $theme: the selected theme

3 functions implement hook_themekey_ui_author_theme_selected()

Note: this list is generated by pattern matching, so it may include some functions that are not actually implementations of this hook.

themekey_blog_themekey_ui_author_theme_selected in modules/
Implements hook_themekey_ui_author_theme_selected().
themekey_contact_themekey_ui_author_theme_selected in modules/
Implements hook_themekey_ui_author_theme_selected().
themekey_user_themekey_ui_author_theme_selected in modules/
Implements hook_themekey_ui_author_theme_selected().
1 invocation of hook_themekey_ui_author_theme_selected()
themekey_ui_user_profile_form_submit in ./themekey_ui.module


docs/themekey.api.php, line 142
ThemeKey API documentation


function hook_themekey_ui_author_theme_selected($uid, $theme) {
  global $base_root;
  $cid = $base_root . '/blog/' . $uid;
  cache_clear_all($cid, 'cache_page');
  cache_clear_all($cid . '/', 'cache_page', TRUE);