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function _tft_get_group_tid in Taxonomy File Tree 3.x

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8 tft.module \_tft_get_group_tid()

Get the term tid associated with the Group.


int $gid: The Group id.

Return value

int|null The term tid.

1 call to _tft_get_group_tid()
TFTController::listGroup in src/Controller/TFTController.php
Returns group list.


./tft.module, line 102
Contains tft.module.


function _tft_get_group_tid($gid) {
  $group = Group::load($gid);
  if ($group
    ->hasField('field_learning_path_folder')) {
    $value = $group
    $tid = reset($value)['target_id'];
    return $tid;
  return NULL;