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Deprecated in Taxonomy File Tree 7.2

Primary tabs

Examples: "before Drupal 9", "in Drupal 8.4"
Namesort descending Location Type Deprecation Direct uses Namespaced uses Overrides Use statements
tft_archive_folder_batch ./tft.module function Archives are OG specific Defines a batch for adding an archive folder to all groups that do not have one.
tft_archive_folder_batch_process ./tft.module function Archives are OG specific Processes the batch logic.
tft_check_vocabulary_setting ./tft.module function Check that a valid vocabulary vid is set in the settings. Else, redirect to either the settings page (if the user has access) or the home page.
tft_get_forbidden_terms ./tft.module function Client specific. REmove. Get an array with all the terms to which the user has no access.
tft_get_og_nid ./tft.module function move this to tft_og Check if the current term is part of a OG term and return the OG nid. If no nid is found, return FALSE. 1
tft_get_og_tid ./tft.module function move this to tft_og Get the term tid associated with the OG. 3
tft_log_archive ./tft.module function Archives are OG specific
tft_restore_archived_element ./tft.module function Archives are OG specific 1
tft_restore_element ./tft.module function Archives are OG specific

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