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function tfa_basic_get_mobile_number in TFA Basic plugins 7

Get mobile number for an account.


object $account: User account object.

Return value

string|FALSE Mobile phone number or FALSE if not set.

5 calls to tfa_basic_get_mobile_number()
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./tfa_basic.module, line 317


function tfa_basic_get_mobile_number($account) {
  $phone_field = variable_get('tfa_basic_phone_field', '');
  $number = FALSE;

  // Note, set tfa_basic_phone_field to FALSE to avoid using account field as
  // storage.
  if (!empty($phone_field)) {
    if (!empty($account->{$phone_field}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'])) {
      $number = $account->{$phone_field}[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'];
  $alterable = array(
    'account' => $account,
    'number' => $number,

  // Allow other modules to supply the mobile number for this account.
  drupal_alter('tfa_basic_get_mobile_number', $alterable);
  return $alterable['number'];