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function tfa_get_plugin in Two-factor Authentication (TFA) 7.2

Get or create a TFA plugin object.


string $plugin_name: Plugin name.

array $context: TFA context.

Return value

TfaBasePlugin|false TFA plugin or FALSE on error.

1 call to tfa_get_plugin()
tfa_get_process in ./tfa.module
Get Tfa object in the account's current context.


./tfa.module, line 208
Two-factor authentication for Drupal.


function tfa_get_plugin($plugin_name, array $context) {
  $api = module_invoke_all('tfa_api');

  // Call plugin callback.
  if (isset($api[$plugin_name]['callback'])) {
    $function = $api[$plugin_name]['callback'];
    return $function($context);

  // Or (plugin_name)_create.
  $function = $plugin_name . '_create';
  if (function_exists($function)) {
    return $function($context);

  // Or if class is defined instantiate it.
  if (isset($api[$plugin_name]['class'])) {
    $class = $api[$plugin_name]['class'];
    return new $class($context);
  return FALSE;