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function textimage_text_to_image in Textimage 6.2

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5.2 textimage.module \textimage_text_to_image()
  2. 5 textimage.module \textimage_text_to_image()
  3. 7.2 \textimage_text_to_image()

Generate an image containing text with the given parameters.

Return value

$image A GD image resource.

1 call to textimage_text_to_image()
textimage_image_from_preset in ./textimage.module
Loads the Textimage preset and generates the GD image resource.


./textimage.module, line 689


function textimage_text_to_image($text, $fontsize, $font, $color = array(
  'hex' => '#000000',
  'opacity' => '100',
), $angle = 0, $maximum_width = 0, $fixed_width = 0, $align = TEXTIMAGE_ALIGN_LEFT) {

  // Set rotation angle.
  $q_angle = -$angle;
  while ($q_angle > 0 || $q_angle <= -90) {
    $q_angle -= $q_angle > 0 ? 90 : -90;
  while ($angle < 0 || $angle >= 360) {
    $angle += $angle < 0 ? 360 : -360;
  $rotation = -(floor($angle / 90) * 90);

  // Calculate rotation variables.
  $rad = deg2rad($q_angle);
  $sin = -sin($rad);
  $cos = cos($rad);

  // Perform text wrapping, if necessary.
  if ($maximum_width - 1 > 0) {
    $text = textimage_wrap_text($text, $fontsize, $font, $maximum_width - 1);

  // Get fixed and rotated boundry box co-ordinates.
  $bbox = _textimage_imagettfbbox($fontsize, $q_angle, $font, $text);

  // Calculate dimensions of text box.
  $text_width = sqrt(pow(abs($bbox[0] - $bbox[2]), 2) + pow(abs($bbox[1] - $bbox[3]), 2));
  $text_height = sqrt(pow(abs($bbox[0] - $bbox[6]), 2) + pow(abs($bbox[1] - $bbox[7]), 2));

  // Not used.
  // Calculate dimensions of box from text box.
  $box_width = max($bbox[0], $bbox[2], $bbox[4], $bbox[6]) - min($bbox[0], $bbox[2], $bbox[4], $bbox[6]);
  $box_height = max($bbox[1], $bbox[3], $bbox[5], $bbox[7]) - min($bbox[1], $bbox[3], $bbox[5], $bbox[7]);

  // Calculate dimensions of image.
  $image_width = $fixed_width && $maximum_width > 0 ? ($maximum_width - 1) * $cos + $text_height * $sin : $box_width;
  $image_height = $fixed_width && $maximum_width > 0 ? ($maximum_width - 1) * $sin + $text_height * $cos : $box_height;

  // Create Image.
  $image = imagecreatetruecolor($image_width + 1, $image_height + 1);
  $back = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, 0, 0, 0, 127);
  imagefill($image, 0, 0, $back);

  // Set text alignment left
  $x = -$bbox[0];
  $y = $box_height - $bbox[3];
  if ($fixed_width && $maximum_width > 0 && $align != TEXTIMAGE_ALIGN_LEFT) {
    switch ($align) {

      // Set text alignment center
        $x += ($image_width - $box_width) / 2;
        $y += ($image_height - $box_height) / 2;

      // Set text alignment right
        $x += $image_width - $box_width;
        $y += $image_height - $box_height;

  // Create the textimage.
  list($r, $g, $b) = _textimage_hex2rgb($color['hex']);
  $alpha = -($color['opacity'] - 100) / 100 * 127;
  $fore = imagecolorallocatealpha($image, $r, $g, $b, $alpha);
  imagettftext($image, $fontsize, $q_angle, $x, $y, $fore, $font, $text);
  if ($rotation != 0) {
    $image = imagerotate($image, $rotation, 0);

  // Preserve transparency settings.
  imagealphablending($image, TRUE);
  imagesavealpha($image, TRUE);
  return $image;