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Functions in Textimage 5.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
textimage_build_image ./textimage.module 2
textimage_directory_check ./textimage.module Create the image directory relative to the 'files' dir - if user specified one Won't allow form submit unless the directory exists & is writable 1
textimage_field_formatter ./textimage.module Implementation of hook_field_formatter().
textimage_field_formatter_info ./textimage.module Implementation of hook_field_formatter_info().
textimage_get_presets ./ 6
textimage_help ./textimage.module Implementation of hook_help().
textimage_image ./textimage.module Menu Callback function converts the current textimage path into an image. On first request, the image is returned to the browser from Drupal and then saved to the disk. On subsequent requests (with Clean URLs enabled), the cached image is loaded directly. 1
textimage_image_add_margin ./textimage.module This function adds a margin (or border) around an existing image resource 1
textimage_image_add_stroke ./textimage.module Stroke function adds a solid color stroke around an image with a transparent background. 1
textimage_image_from_preset ./textimage.module Loads the Textimage preset and generates the GD image resource. 1
textimage_image_stroke_change_pixels ./textimage.module Utility function for image_stroke. Analyzes surrounding pixels and determines opacity of a pixel at that x-y coordinate 1
textimage_install ./textimage.install Implementation of hook_install().
textimage_js ./textimage.module Textimage AHAH functionality 1
textimage_js_background ./textimage.module 1
textimage_js_preview ./textimage.module 1
textimage_measure_text_width ./textimage.module Helper function for wrapping text (measures width). 1
textimage_menu ./textimage.module Implementation of hook_menu().
textimage_perm ./textimage.module Implementation of hook_perm().
textimage_preset_delete_confirm ./ 1
textimage_preset_delete_confirm_submit ./
textimage_preset_edit ./ 2
textimage_preset_edit_submit ./
textimage_preset_edit_validate ./
textimage_preset_flush_confirm ./ 1
textimage_preset_flush_confirm_submit ./
textimage_preset_list ./ 1
textimage_requirements ./textimage.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
textimage_settings_form ./ @file 1
textimage_settings_form_validate ./
textimage_text_to_image ./textimage.module Generate an image containing text with the given parameters. 1
textimage_uninstall ./textimage.install Implementation of hook_uninstall().
textimage_update_1 ./textimage.install Implementation of hook_update_N().
textimage_update_2 ./textimage.install
textimage_update_3 ./textimage.install
textimage_update_4 ./textimage.install
textimage_wrap_text ./textimage.module Wrap text for rendering at a given width. 1
theme_textimage_image ./textimage.module Theme function for displaying textimages 2
theme_textimage_preset_edit ./
_textimage_dec2hex ./ 1
_textimage_flush_cache ./ 2
_textimage_font_list ./ Returns an array of files with .otf/.ttf extensions in the specified directory. 2
_textimage_font_name ./ 2
_textimage_hex2rgb ./textimage.module Convert a hex color representation to it's rgb integer components. 3
_textimage_hex_validate ./
_textimage_image_list ./ Returns an array of files with jpg, png, and gif extensions in the specified directory. 2
_textimage_js_background ./textimage.module 1
_textimage_number_validate ./
_textimage_preset_create ./ create a preset 1
_textimage_preset_delete ./ 1
_textimage_preset_flush ./ flush cached media for a preset. 4


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