function textformatter_formatter_get_element_values in Text list formatter 6
Return an array of the values from a text field element.
4 calls to textformatter_formatter_get_element_values()
- theme_textformatter_formatter_text_comma in ./
textformatter.module - Theme a textfield as a comma-separated list.
- theme_textformatter_formatter_text_comma_and in ./
textformatter.module - Theme a textfield as a comma-separated list with an "and".
- theme_textformatter_formatter_text_orderedlist in ./
textformatter.module - Theme a textfield as an HTML ordered list.
- theme_textformatter_formatter_text_unorderedlist in ./
textformatter.module - Theme a textfield as an HTML unordered list.
- ./
textformatter.module, line 65
function textformatter_formatter_get_element_values($element) {
// Get data out of multidimensional $element array and place it in flat $values array.
$values = array();
$item = $element;
foreach (element_children($element) as $key) {
foreach (element_children($element) as $key) {
$item['#item'] = $element[$key]['#item'];
$values[] = ($allowed = _text_allowed_values($item)) ? $allowed : $item['#item']['safe'];
// Trim values in the array.
$values = array_map('trim', $values);
// Kill empty values in the array.
$values = array_filter($values);
return $values;