function _textformatter_wrapper_options in Text list formatter 7
Helper to return an array of html tags, formatted for a select list.
Return value
array A keyed array of available html tags.
1 call to _textformatter_wrapper_options()
- textformatter_field_formatter_settings_form in ./
textformatter.module - Implements hook_field_formatter_Settings_form().
- ./
textformatter.module, line 534 - Provide a field formatter to render values as HTML or comma-separated lists.
function _textformatter_wrapper_options() {
return array(
t("No HTML tag"),
'div' => t("Div"),
'span' => t("Span"),
'p' => t("Paragraph"),
'h1' => t("Header 1"),
'h2' => t("Header 2"),
'h3' => t("Header 3"),
'h4' => t("Header 4"),
'h5' => t("Header 5"),
'h6' => t("Header 6"),