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function _term_reference_tree_get_parent in Taxonomy Term Reference Tree Widget 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 7.2 term_reference_tree.module \_term_reference_tree_get_parent()
  2. 7 term_reference_tree.module \_term_reference_tree_get_parent()

Helper function to get the parent of tid.


int $tid: The term id.

Return value

int Parent term id or 0.

1 call to _term_reference_tree_get_parent()
theme_term_tree_list in ./term_reference_tree.module
Themes the term tree display (as opposed to the select widget).


./term_reference_tree.module, line 457


function _term_reference_tree_get_parent($tid) {
  $query = "SELECT p.parent_target_id FROM {taxonomy_term__parent} p WHERE p.entity_id = :tid";
  $from = 0;
  $count = 1;
  $args = [
    ':tid' => $tid,
  $database = \Drupal::database();
  $result = $database
    ->queryRange($query, $from, $count, $args);
  $parent_tid = 0;
  foreach ($result as $term) {
    $parent_tid = $term->parent_target_id;
  return $parent_tid;