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Functions in Taxonomy Term Reference Tree Widget 7.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
term_reference_tree_element_info ./term_reference_tree.module Implements hook_element_info().
term_reference_tree_field_formatter_info ./ Implements hook_field_formatter_info().
term_reference_tree_field_formatter_settings_form ./ Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_form().
term_reference_tree_field_formatter_settings_summary ./ Implements hook_field_formatter_settings_summary().
term_reference_tree_field_formatter_view ./ Implements hook_field_formatter_view().
term_reference_tree_field_widget_form ./ Implements hook_field_widget_form().
term_reference_tree_field_widget_info ./ Implements hook_field_widget_info().
term_reference_tree_field_widget_settings_form ./ Implements hook_field_widget_settings_form().
term_reference_tree_process_checkbox_tree ./ Process the checkbox_tree widget. 1
term_reference_tree_theme ./term_reference_tree.module Implements hook_theme().
theme_checkbox_tree ./ Returns HTML for a checkbox_tree form element.
theme_checkbox_tree_item ./ This function prints a single item in the tree, followed by that item's children (which may be another checkbox_tree_level).
theme_checkbox_tree_label ./ This function prints a label that cannot be selected.
theme_checkbox_tree_level ./ This function prints a list item with a checkbox and an unordered list of all the elements inside it.
theme_checkbox_tree_track_list ./ Shows a list of items that have been checked. The display happens on the client-side. Use this function to theme the element's label, and the "nothing selected" message.
theme_term_tree_list ./ Themes the term tree display (as opposed to the select widget).
_term_reference_tree_build_item ./ Builds a single item in the term reference tree widget. 1
_term_reference_tree_build_level ./ Builds a level in the term reference tree widget. 2
_term_reference_tree_cascading_selection_validate ./ Makes sure that cardinality is unlimited if cascading selection is enabled. 1
_term_reference_tree_children_selected ./term_reference_tree.module 1
_term_reference_tree_flatten ./term_reference_tree.module Recursively go through the option tree and return a flat array of options 1
_term_reference_tree_flatten_default_value ./ 1
_term_reference_tree_get_allowed_values ./ Returns an array of allowed values defined by the given view. 1
_term_reference_tree_get_children ./term_reference_tree.module This function is like taxonomy_get_children, except it doesn't load the entire term. 1
_term_reference_tree_get_options ./term_reference_tree.module Return an array of options. 1
_term_reference_tree_get_parent ./term_reference_tree.module 1
_term_reference_tree_get_term_hierarchy ./term_reference_tree.module This function returns a taxonomy term hierarchy in a nested array. 1
_term_reference_tree_output_list_level ./ Helper function to output a single level of the term reference tree display. 1
_term_reference_tree_select_parents_validate ./ Makes sure that cardinality is unlimited if auto-select parents is enabled. 1
_term_reference_tree_widget_validate ./ Validates the term reference tree widgets. 1

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