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Functions in Taxonomy Term Permissions 7

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
term_permissions_allowed ./term_permissions.module Given a term ID, determine if a user has access to that term. UID 1 is always allowed access. If no permissions are set on the term, allow access by default. 2
term_permissions_autocomplete_multiple ./term_permissions.module Returns Json array for Taxonomy Term Permissions autocomplete fields. Supports multiple entries separated by a comma. 1
term_permissions_field_widget_validate ./term_permissions.module Form element validation handler for taxonomy term reference element. 1
term_permissions_form_alter ./term_permissions.module Implements hook_form_alter().
term_permissions_help ./term_permissions.module Implements hook_help().
term_permissions_menu ./term_permissions.module Implements hook_menu().
term_permissions_schema ./term_permissions.install Implements hook_schema().
term_permissions_submit ./term_permissions.module Additional submit function for the term form. This occurs when a term is added or updated. 1
term_permissions_validate ./term_permissions.module Validation function to ensure that the selected user exists. 1

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