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function taxonomy_menu_handler in Taxonomy menu 7

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 taxonomy_menu.module \taxonomy_menu_handler()

Taxonomy Menu Handler: Creates a menu item for each taxonomy term.


$op: options are 'insert', 'update', 'delete' or path.

$args: if $op == 'insert' then args is an array with the following key/value pairs: 'term': taxonomy term object, 'menu_name' : menu that the item is set to apply to if $op == 'delete' then then args is an array with the following key/value pairs: 'tid': TermID 'mlid': Menu ID if $op == 'update' then then args is an array with the following key/value pairs: 'term': term object, 'menu_name': menu that the item is set to apply to 'mlid': Menu ID

$node: The node object.

$item array: Taxonomy menu item.

Return value

array Menu link ID for the taxonomy menu item.

6 calls to taxonomy_menu_handler()
_taxonomy_menu_insert_link_items in ./taxonomy_menu.module
Creates new link items for the vocabulary.
_taxonomy_menu_insert_link_items_process in ./
Batch operation callback function: inserts 10 menu link items.
_taxonomy_menu_nodeapi_helper in ./taxonomy_menu.module
Builds argument arrays calls taxonomy_menu_handler.
_taxonomy_menu_taxonomy_termapi_helper in ./taxonomy_menu.module
Abstraction of hook_taxonomy_term_<operation>()
_taxonomy_menu_update_all_parents in ./taxonomy_menu.module
Updates all parent items.

... See full list


./taxonomy_menu.module, line 610
Adds links to taxonomy terms into a menu.


function taxonomy_menu_handler($op, $args = array(), $node = NULL, $item = array()) {

  // Get the initial $item.
  if (empty($item)) {
    $item = _taxonomy_menu_create_item($args, $node);

  // Let other modules make edits.
  $hook = 'taxonomy_menu_' . $op;
  foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) {
    $function = $module . '_' . $hook;

  // Update the menu and return the mlid if the remove element is not true.
  if ($op != 'delete') {
    return _taxonomy_menu_save($item);