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taxonomy_menu.module in Taxonomy menu 6.2

It Generates menu links for all selected taxonomy terms

@author David Stoline <> @author Neil Hastings <> @author Mark Theunissen <> @author Afief Halumi <>


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 * @file
 * It Generates menu links for all selected taxonomy terms
 * @author David Stoline       <>
 * @author Neil Hastings      <>
 * @author Mark Theunissen    <>
 * @author Afief Halumi       <>

// include the database layer
require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_menu') . '/';

// include the batch functions
require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'taxonomy_menu') . '/';

 * Implementation of hook_form_alter().
 * Modify the form at admin/content/taxonomy/edit/vocabulary/xx. We add
 * our taxonomy_menu options in here on a per-vocab basis.
function taxonomy_menu_form_alter(&$form, $form_state, $form_id) {
  if ($form_id == 'taxonomy_form_vocabulary') {

    // choose a menu to add link items to.
    $menus = menu_get_menus();
    array_unshift($menus, t('- Disabled -'));

    // options for path if tokens are not enabled
    $paths = _taxonomy_menu_get_paths();
    $form['taxonomy_menu'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#title' => t('Taxonomy menu'),
      '#weight' => 10,
      '#tree' => TRUE,

    // this turns the vocab terms into menu items
    $item['mlid'] = 0;
    $menu_items = menu_parent_options(menu_get_menus(), $item);
    array_unshift($menu_items, '= DISABLED =');
    $default = variable_get('taxonomy_menu_vocab_menu_' . $form['vid']['#value'], NULL) . ':' . variable_get('taxonomy_menu_vocab_parent_' . $form['vid']['#value'], NULL);
    if (!isset($menu_items[$default])) {
      $default = 0;
    $form['taxonomy_menu']['vocab_parent'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Menu location'),
      '#default_value' => $default,
      '#options' => $menu_items,
      '#description' => t('The menu and parent under which to insert taxonomy menu items.'),
      '#attributes' => array(
        'class' => 'menu-title-select',
    $form['taxonomy_menu']['path'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Menu path type'),
      '#default_value' => variable_get('taxonomy_menu_path_' . $form['vid']['#value'], 0),
      '#options' => $paths,
      '#description' => t('The path will be taxonomy/term/tid if <em>Default</em> has been selected.<br />The menu path will be passed through drupal_get_path_alias() function so all aliases will be applied.'),

    // get taxonomy menu form options
    $form['taxonomy_menu']['options'] = _taxonomy_menu_create_options($form['vid']['#value']);

    // rebuild the menu
    $form['taxonomy_menu']['options']['rebuild'] = array(
      '#type' => 'checkbox',
      '#title' => t('Select to rebuild the menu on submit.'),
      '#default_value' => 0,
      '#weight' => 20,
      '#description' => t('Rebuild the menu on submit. <strong>Warning</strong>: This will delete then re-create all of the menu items. Only use this option if you are experiencing issues like missing menu items or other inconsistencies.'),

    // move the buttons to the bottom of the form
    $form['submit']['#weight'] = 49;
    $form['delete']['#weight'] = 50;

    // add an extra submit handler to save these settings
    $form['#submit'][] = 'taxonomy_menu_vocab_submit';

 * Submit handler for the extra settings added to the taxonomy vocab form.
 * Check to see if the user has selected a different menu, and only rebuild
 * if this is the case.
function taxonomy_menu_vocab_submit($form, &$form_state) {
  $vid = $form_state['values']['vid'];
  $changed = FALSE;

  // Split the menu location into menu name and menu item id.
  list($vocab_parent['vocab_menu'], $vocab_parent['vocab_parent']) = explode(':', $form_state['values']['taxonomy_menu']['vocab_parent']);

  // set the menu name and check for changes
  $variable_name = _taxonomy_menu_build_variable('vocab_menu', $vid);
  if (_taxonomy_menu_check_variable($variable_name, $vocab_parent['vocab_menu'])) {
    $changed_menu = TRUE;
  variable_set($variable_name, $vocab_parent['vocab_menu']);

  // set the menu parent item and check for changes
  $variable_name = _taxonomy_menu_build_variable('vocab_parent', $vid);
  if (_taxonomy_menu_check_variable($variable_name, $vocab_parent['vocab_parent'])) {
    $changed_menu = TRUE;
  variable_set($variable_name, $vocab_parent['vocab_parent']);

  // set the path and check for changes
  $variable_name = _taxonomy_menu_build_variable('path', $vid);
  if (_taxonomy_menu_check_variable($variable_name, $form_state['values']['taxonomy_menu']['path'])) {
    $changed_path = TRUE;
  variable_set($variable_name, $form_state['values']['taxonomy_menu']['path']);
  foreach ($form_state['values']['taxonomy_menu']['options'] as $key => $value) {

    // create the variable name
    $variable_name = _taxonomy_menu_build_variable($key, $vid);

    // check to see if the vocab enable options has changed
    if ($key == 'voc_item') {
      if (_taxonomy_menu_check_variable($variable_name, $value)) {
        $change_vocab_item = TRUE;

    // if $changed is alreayd set to true, then don't bother checking any others
    if (!$changed) {

      // check to see if the variable has changed
      if (_taxonomy_menu_check_variable($variable_name, $value)) {
        $changed = TRUE;

    // save variable
    variable_set($variable_name, $value);

  // if the menu hasn't changed and the menu is disabled then do not do anything else
  if ($form_state['values']['taxonomy_menu']['options']['rebuild'] || $changed_menu || !$changed_menu && variable_get('taxonomy_menu_vocab_menu_' . $vid, FALSE) == 0) {

    // rebuild if rebuild is selected, menu has changed or vocabulary option changed
    if ($form_state['values']['taxonomy_menu']['options']['rebuild'] || $changed_menu || $change_vocab_item || $changed_path) {
      $message = _taxonomy_menu_rebuild($vid);
    elseif ($changed && variable_get('taxonomy_menu_vocab_menu_' . $vid, FALSE)) {
      $message = _taxonomy_menu_update_link_items($vid);

    // do a full menu rebuild incase we have removed the menu or moved it between menus
    variable_set('menu_rebuild_needed', TRUE);
    drupal_set_message($message, 'status');

 * rebuilds a menu
 * @param $vid
 * @return $message
 *  message that is displayed
function _taxonomy_menu_rebuild($vid) {

  // remove all of the menu items for this vocabulary

  // only insert the links if a menu is set
  if (variable_get('taxonomy_menu_vocab_menu_' . $vid, FALSE)) {
    return t('The Taxonomy Menu has been rebuilt.');
  return t('The Taxonomy Menu has been removed.');

 * Checks to see if the variable has changed.
 * @param $variable
 *  name of variable
 * @return Boolean
 *  TRUE if it has changed
function _taxonomy_menu_check_variable($variable, $new_value) {
  if ($new_value != variable_get($variable, FALSE)) {
    return TRUE;
  return FALSE;

 * Update the menu items
 * @param $vid
 *  vocab id
function _taxonomy_menu_update_link_items($vid) {

  // rebuild vocab 'taxonomy_menu_voc_item_' . $vid
  $menu_name = variable_get('taxonomy_menu_vocab_menu_' . $vid, FALSE);

  // get a list of the current menu links
  $menu_links = _taxonomy_menu_get_menu_items($vid);

  // cycle through the
  foreach ($menu_links as $tid => $mlid) {
    if ($tid == 0) {
      $args['vid'] = $vid;
    else {
      $args['term'] = taxonomy_get_term($tid);

      // since taxonomy_get_term does not return the parents, fetch them now
      $args['term']->parents = _taxonomy_menu_get_parents($tid);

    // set the menu name
    $args['menu_name'] = $menu_name;
    $args['mlid'] = $mlid;

    // update the menu link
    taxonomy_menu_handler('update', $args);
  return t('The Taxonomy Menu %menu_name has been updated.', array(
    '%menu_name' => $menu_name,

 * Creates new link items for the vocabulary
 * @param $vid
function _taxonomy_menu_insert_link_items($vid) {
  $menu_name = variable_get('taxonomy_menu_vocab_menu_' . $vid, FALSE);

  // check to see if we should had a vocab item
  if (variable_get('taxonomy_menu_voc_item_' . $vid, FALSE)) {
    $args = array(
      'vid' => $vid,
      'menu_name' => $menu_name,
    $mlid = taxonomy_menu_handler('insert', $args);

  // // let batch api take care of inserting the menu items

 * Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
 * When a user inserts, alters or deletes taxonomy terms, we can keep
 * the related menu synchronised to the changes without rebuilding the entire
 * menu (which would delete all other customisations the user may have done).
function taxonomy_menu_taxonomy($op, $type, $args = NULL) {

  // if submiting vocab, set new preferences
  if ($type == 'vocabulary' && $op == 'delete') {

    // delete the menu items
    $menu_name = variable_get('taxonomy_menu_vocab_menu_' . $args['vid'], 0);
  else {

    // only sync if taxonomy_menu is enabled for this vocab and the 'sync'
    // option has been checked.
    $menu_name = variable_get('taxonomy_menu_vocab_menu_' . $args['vid'], 0);
    $sync = variable_get('taxonomy_menu_sync_' . $args['vid'], 0);
    if ($type == 'term' && $menu_name && $sync) {

      // build arguments
      switch ($op) {
        case 'insert':

          // we have to pull from the args because using a taxonomy function pulls from the cache
          $term->name = $args['name'];
          $term->description = $args['description'];
          $term->parents = $args['parent'];
          $term->weight = $args['weight'];
          $term->vid = $args['vid'];
          $term->tid = $args['tid'];
          $item = array(
            'term' => $term,
            'menu_name' => $menu_name,
          $message = t('Term %term has been added to taxonomy menu %menu_name.', array(
            '%term' => $args['name'],
            '%menu_name' => $menu_name,
        case 'update':

          // we have to pull from the args because using a taxonomy function pulls from the cache
          $term->name = $args['name'];
          $term->description = $args['description'];
          $term->parents = $args['parent'];
          $term->weight = $args['weight'];
          $term->vid = $args['vid'];
          $term->tid = $args['tid'];
          $item = array(
            'term' => $term,
            'menu_name' => $menu_name,
            'mlid' => _taxonomy_menu_get_mlid($args['tid'], $args['vid']),
          $message = t('Term %term has been updated in taxonomy menu %menu_name.', array(
            '%term' => $args['name'],
            '%menu_name' => $menu_name,
        case 'delete':
          $item = array(
            'tid' => $args['tid'],
            'vid' => $args['vid'],
            'menu_name' => $menu_name,
            'term' => taxonomy_get_term($args['tid']),
            'mlid' => _taxonomy_menu_get_mlid($args['tid'], $args['vid']),
          $message = t('Term %term has been deleted from taxonomy menu %menu_name.', array(
            '%term' => $args['name'],
            '%menu_name' => $menu_name,

      // run function
      taxonomy_menu_handler($op, $item);

      // report status
      drupal_set_message($message, 'status');

      // rebuild the menu

 * Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
 * This hook enables the menu to be displayed in context during node views.
function taxonomy_menu_nodeapi(&$node, $op, $a3, $a4) {
  static $terms_old;
  switch ($op) {
    case 'insert':
    case 'update':

      // we use this direct table pull to avoid the cache and because
      // free tags are not formated in a matter where extrating the
      // tid's is easy
      $terms_new = _taxonomy_menu_get_node_terms($node->nid);

      // merge current terms and previous terms to update both menu items.
      $terms = array_unique(array_merge((array) $terms_new, (array) $terms_old));
      _taxonomy_menu_nodeapi_helper($op, $terms);
    case 'presave':

      // get the terms from the database before the changes are made.
      // these will be used to update the menu item's name if needed
      // we go directly to the db to bypass any caches
      $terms_old = _taxonomy_menu_get_node_terms($node->nid);
    case 'delete':

      // since the delete operation is run after the data is deleted
      // pull the terms from the node object
      $terms = array_keys($node->taxonomy);
      _taxonomy_menu_nodeapi_helper($op, $terms);

 * Helper function to
function _taxonomy_menu_nodeapi_helper($op, $terms = array()) {
  foreach ($terms as $key => $tid) {
    $term = taxonomy_get_term($tid);
    $term->parents = array_keys(taxonomy_get_parents($tid));

    // $parents = taxonomy_get_parents($tid);
    // foreach ($parents as $term_id => $term_obj) {
    //   $term->parents[] = $term_id;
    // }
    // update the menu for each term if necessary
    $menu_name = variable_get('taxonomy_menu_vocab_menu_' . $term->vid, FALSE);
    $vocb_sync = variable_get('taxonomy_menu_sync_' . $term->vid, TRUE);
    $menu_num = variable_get('taxonomy_menu_display_num_' . $term->vid, FALSE);
    $hide_empty = variable_get('taxonomy_menu_hide_empty_terms_' . $term->vid, FALSE);
    if ($menu_name && $vocb_sync && ($menu_num || $hide_empty)) {
      switch ($op) {
        case 'update':

          // build argument array to save menu_item
          $args = array(
            'tid' => $term->tid,
            'vid' => $term->vid,
            'term' => $term,
            'menu_name' => $menu_name,
            'mlid' => _taxonomy_menu_get_mlid($term->tid, $term->vid),

          // since taxonomy_get_term does not return the parents, fetch them now
          $args['term']->parents = _taxonomy_menu_get_parents($term->tid);
        case 'insert':

          // build argument array to save menu_item
          $args = array(
            'tid' => $term->tid,
            'vid' => $term->vid,
            'term' => $term,
            'menu_name' => $menu_name,
            'mlid' => _taxonomy_menu_get_mlid($term->tid, $term->vid),

          // since taxonomy_get_term does not return the parents, fetch them now
          $args['term']->parents = _taxonomy_menu_get_parents($term->tid);
        case 'delete':
          $args = array(
            'term' => $term,
            'tid' => $term->tid,
            'vid' => $term->vid,
            'menu_name' => $menu_name,
            'mlid' => _taxonomy_menu_get_mlid($term->tid, $term->vid),

          /* Turn the op to 'update' here since we really do want to update the item
           * and not delete/recreate it, since the latter will break hierarchy and
           * customizations.
          $op = 'update';
      taxonomy_menu_handler($op, $args);

 * @param $op
 *  options are 'insert', 'update', 'delete' or path
 * @param $args
 *  if $op == 'insert' then
 *    array with the following key/value pairs:
 *     'term' => term object,
 *     'menu_name' => menu that the item is set to apply to
 *  if $op == 'delete' then
 *    array(
 *      'tid' => TermID
 *      'mlid => Menu ID
 *    )
 *  if $op == 'update' then
 *     'term' => term object,
 *     'menu_name' => menu that the item is set to apply to
 *     'mlid' => Menu ID
function taxonomy_menu_handler($op, $args = array(), $item = array()) {

  // get the initial $item
  if (empty($item)) {
    $item = _taxonomy_menu_create_item($args);

  // let other modules make edits
  $hook = 'taxonomy_menu_' . $op;
  foreach (module_implements($hook) as $module) {
    $function = $module . '_' . $hook;

  // update the menu and return the mlid if the remove element is not true
  if ($op != 'delete') {
    $depth_limit = (int) variable_get('taxonomy_menu_depth_limit_' . $args['term']->vid, 0);
    $term_parents = taxonomy_get_parents_all($args['term']->tid);
    if ($depth_limit && count($term_parents) > $depth_limit) {
    return _taxonomy_menu_save($item);

 * Add/Update a taxonomy menu item.
 * We use a custom data array $item as a parameter, instead of using a
 * standard taxonomy $term object. This is because this function is also
 * called from hook_taxonomy(), which doesn't have a $term object. Rather
 * have one consistent method of passing the data.
 * @param $item
 *   array with the following key/value pairs:
 *     'tid' => the term id (if 0 then adding the vocab as an item)
 *     'name' => the term's name
 *     'description' => term description, used as to build the title attribute
 *     'weight' => term weight
 *       (This will be overriden by the order created from taxonomy_get_tree which respects the correct wight)
 *     'vid' => the vocabulary's id
 *     'ptid' => the term's parent's term id
 *     'menu_name' => the menu that the link item will be inserted into
 *     'mlid' => if this is filled in then the mlid will be updated
function _taxonomy_menu_save($item) {

  // If this is an existing link pull the current link araray
  if ($item['mlid']) {
    $insert = FALSE;
    $link = menu_link_load($item['mlid']);
  else {
    $insert = TRUE;
    $link = array();

  // create the path.
  // use url to create he inital path
  // we need to remove the first '/' so menu_link_save will work correctly
  $path = taxonomy_menu_create_path($item['vid'], $item['tid']);

  // Make sure the path has less then 256 characters
  // @TODO This basicly breaks these menu items. There has to be a better way.
  if (strlen($path) > 256) {
    preg_match('/(.{256}.*?)\\b/', $path, $matches);
    $path = rtrim($matches[1]);

  // Add setup the query paramater in the URL correctly
  if (strpos($path, '?') !== FALSE) {
    $split = explode('?', $path);
    if (strpos($split[1], '?') !== FALSE) {

      // the query split didn't work, too many question marks
      // error?
    else {
      $link['options']['query'] = $split[1];
      $link['link_path'] = $split[0];

  // get the parent mlid: this is either:
  // - the parent tid's mlid
  // - the vocab menu item's mlid
  // - the menu parent setting for this vocab
  $plid = _taxonomy_menu_get_mlid($item['ptid'], $item['vid']);
  if (!$plid) {
    $plid = variable_get('taxonomy_menu_vocab_parent_' . $item['vid'], NULL);

  // Add updates
  $link['link_title'] = $item['name'];
  $link['menu_name'] = $item['menu_name'];
  $link['plid'] = $plid;
  $link['weight'] = $item['weight'] - 50;
  $link['module'] = 'taxonomy_menu';
  $link['expanded'] = variable_get('taxonomy_menu_expanded_' . $item['vid'], TRUE);
  $link['link_path'] = $path;
  $link['hidden'] = 0;

  // @todo i18nmenu need to be cleaned up to allow translation from other menu module
  if (module_exists('i18nmenu')) {
    $link['options']['alter'] = TRUE;
    $link['language'] = $item['language'];
    $link['customized'] = 1;

  // set the has_children property
  // if tid=0 then adding a vocab item and had children
  // if the term has any children then set it to true
  if ($item['tid'] == 0) {
    $link['has_children'] = 1;
  else {
    $children = taxonomy_get_children($item['tid']);
    if (!empty($children)) {
      $link['has_children'] = 1;

  // if remove is true then set hidden to 1
  if (!empty($item['remove'])) {
    $link['hidden'] = 1;
  if (!variable_get('taxonomy_menu_blank_title_' . $item['vid'], FALSE)) {
    $link['options']['attributes']['title'] = strlen(trim($item['description'])) > 0 ? strip_tags(html_entity_decode($item['description'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8")) : strip_tags(html_entity_decode($item['name'], ENT_COMPAT, "UTF-8"));

  // save the menu item
  if ($mlid = menu_link_save($link)) {

    // if inserting a new menu item then insert a record into the table
    if ($insert) {
      _taxonomy_menu_insert_menu_item($mlid, $item['tid'], $item['vid']);
    return $mlid;
  else {
    drupal_set_message(t('Could not save the menu link for the taxonomy menu.'), 'error');
    return FALSE;

 * Create the path to use in the menu item
 * @return array
 *  path selections
function _taxonomy_menu_get_paths() {
  return module_invoke_all('taxonomy_menu_path');

 * Create the path for the vid/tid combination.
 * @param $vid
 * @param $tid
 * @return string
 *  path
function taxonomy_menu_create_path($vid, $tid) {

  // get the path function for this vocabulary
  $function = variable_get('taxonomy_menu_path_' . $vid, 'taxonomy_menu_path_default');

  // run the function
  return $function($vid, $tid);

 * hook_taxonomy_menu_path.  Invoked from _taxonomy_menu_get_paths.
 * @return array
 *  function name => Display Title
 *  a list of the path options.
function taxonomy_menu_taxonomy_menu_path() {
  $output = array(
    'taxonomy_menu_path_default' => t('Default'),
  return $output;

 * Callback for hook_taxonomy_menu_path
function taxonomy_menu_path_default($vid, $tid) {

  // if tid = 0 then we are creating the vocab menu item format will be taxonomy/term/$tid+$tid+$tid....
  if ($tid == 0) {

    // get all of the terms for the vocab
    $vtids = _taxonomy_menu_get_terms($vid);
    $end = implode(' ', $vtids);
    $path = "taxonomy/term/{$end}";
  else {
    $path = taxonomy_term_path(taxonomy_get_term($tid));
    if (variable_get('taxonomy_menu_display_descendants_' . $vid, FALSE)) {

      // Use 'all' at the end of the path
      if (variable_get('taxonomy_menu_end_all_' . $vid, FALSE)) {
        $path .= '/all';
      else {

        // we wait to run this instead of durning the if above
        // because we only wan to run it once.
        $terms = taxonomy_get_tree($vid, $tid);
        foreach ($terms as $term) {
          $tids[] = $term->tid;
        if ($tids) {
          $end = implode(' ', $tids);
          $path .= ' ' . $end;
  return $path;

 * hook_taxonomy_menu_delete
 * @param $args
 *  array(
 *   'vid' => Vocab ID
 *   'tid' => TermID
 *   'mlid' => Menu ID
 *  )
function taxonomy_menu_taxonomy_menu_delete(&$item) {
  _taxonomy_menu_delete_item($item['vid'], $item['tid']);

 * Create the inital $item array
 * @param $args
 *  array with the following key/value pairs:
 *   'term' => term object, if updating a term
 *   'menu_name' => menu that the item is set to apply to
 *   'vid' => vocab id.  if editing vocab item
 *   'mlid' => menu id
 * @param $item
 *  array with the following key/value pairs:
 *   'tid' => the term id (if 0 then updating the vocab as an item)
 *   'name' => new menu name
 *   'description' => new menu description, used as to build the title attribute
 *   'weight' => new menu weight
 *   'vid' => the new vocabulary's id
 *   'ptid' => the new parent tid
 *   'mlid' => mlid that needs to be edited
 *   'path_type' => either term, tid or vid.
 *      - This is what will be pased to the path function
 *      - This must be a key of the array also.
function _taxonomy_menu_create_item($args = array()) {

  // if tid = 0 then we are creating a vocab item
  if ($args['tid'] == 0 && variable_get('taxonomy_menu_voc_item_' . $args['vid'], 0)) {
    $vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($args['vid']);
    $item = array(
      'tid' => 0,
      'name' => $vocab->name,
      'description' => $vocab->description,
      'weight' => $vocab->weight,
      'vid' => $args['vid'],
      'ptid' => 0,
      'menu_name' => $args['menu_name'],
      'language' => $vocab->language,
    return $item;
  else {
    $term = $args['term'];

  // get the first parent
  if (is_array($term->parents)) {
    foreach ($term->parents as $key => $val) {
      $ptid = $val;
  else {
    $ptid = $term->parents;

  // if ptid is empty, then set it to 0
  if (empty($ptid)) {
    $ptid = 0;

  // turn the term into the correct $item array form
  $item = array(
    'tid' => $term->tid,
    'name' => $term->name,
    'description' => $term->description,
    'weight' => $term->weight,
    'vid' => $term->vid,
    'ptid' => $ptid,
    'menu_name' => $args['menu_name'],
    'language' => $term->language,
  if ($args['mlid']) {
    $item['mlid'] = $args['mlid'];
  return $item;

 * Helper function to see if any of the children have any nodes
 * @param $tid
 * @param $vid
 * @return boolean
function _taxonomy_menu_children_has_nodes($tid, $vid, $has_nodes = FALSE) {
  if (!$has_nodes) {
    $children = taxonomy_get_children($tid, $vid);
    foreach ($children as $tid => $term) {
      if (_taxonomy_menu_term_count($tid) > 0) {
        return _taxonomy_menu_children_has_nodes($tid, $vid, TRUE);
  return $has_nodes;

 * Helper function for insert and update hooks
function _taxonomy_menu_item($item) {

  // if tid is 0 then do not chagne any settings
  if ($item['tid'] > 0) {

    // get the number of node attached to this term
    $num = _taxonomy_menu_term_count($item['tid']);

    // if hide menu is selected and the term count is 0 and the term has no children then do not create the menu item
    if ($num == 0 && variable_get('taxonomy_menu_hide_empty_terms_' . $item['vid'], FALSE) && !_taxonomy_menu_children_has_nodes($item['tid'], $item['vid'])) {
      $item['remove'] = TRUE;
      return $item;

    // if display number is selected and $num > 0 then change the title
    if (variable_get('taxonomy_menu_display_num_' . $item['vid'], FALSE)) {

      // if number > 0 and display decendants, then count all of the children
      if (variable_get('taxonomy_menu_display_descendants_' . $item['vid'], FALSE)) {
        $num = taxonomy_term_count_nodes($item['tid']);
      $item['name'] .= " ({$num})";
  elseif ($item['tid'] == 0) {

    // if custom name is provided, use that name
    $custom_name = variable_get('taxonomy_menu_voc_name_' . $item['vid'], '');
    if (!empty($custom_name)) {
      $item['name'] = $custom_name;
  return $item;

 * Implementation of hook_taxonomy_menu_insert().
 * @param $item
 *  array with the following key/value pairs:
 *   'tid' => the term id (if 0 then updating the vocab as an item)
 *   'name' => new menu name
 *   'description' => new menu description, used as to build the title attribute
 *   'weight' => new menu weight
 *   'vid' => the new vocabulary's id
 *   'ptid' => the new parent tid
 *   'remove' => if this is set to TRUE then the $item is not added as a menu
 * @return $item
function taxonomy_menu_taxonomy_menu_insert(&$item) {
  $item = _taxonomy_menu_item($item);

 * Implementation of hook_taxonomy_menu_update().
 * @param $item
 *  array with the following key/value pairs:
 *   'tid' => the term id (if 0 then updating the vocab as an item)
 *   'name' => new menu name
 *   'description' => new menu description, used as to build the title attribute
 *   'weight' => new menu weight
 *   'vid' => the new vocabulary's id
 *   'ptid' => the new parent tid
 *   'mlid' => mlid that needs to be edited
 *   'remove' => if this is set to TRUE then the $item is not added as a menu
function taxonomy_menu_taxonomy_menu_update(&$item) {
  $item = _taxonomy_menu_item($item);

 * Creates a form array of taxonomy menu options
 * @see hook_taxonomy_menu_options()
 * @return $form array
function _taxonomy_menu_create_options($vid) {
  $options = module_invoke_all('taxonomy_menu_options');

  // cycle through field
  foreach ($options as $field_name => $field_elements) {

    // cycle through each value of the field
    $variable_name = _taxonomy_menu_build_variable($field_name, $vid);

    // if the variable is set then use that, if the default key is set then use that, otherwise use false
    $options[$field_name]['#default_value'] = variable_get($variable_name, !empty($options[$field_name]['default']) ? $options[$field_name]['default'] : FALSE);

    // set the type to checkbox if it is empty
    if (empty($options[$field_name]['#type'])) {
      $options[$field_name]['#type'] = 'checkbox';

    // set the option feildset values
    $options['#type'] = 'fieldset';
    $options['#title'] = t('Options');
    $options['#collapsible'] = TRUE;

    // remove the default value from the array so we don't pass it to the form
  return $options;
function _taxonomy_menu_build_variable($name, $vid) {
  $base_string = "taxonomy_menu_%s_{$vid}";
  return sprintf($base_string, $name);

 * Implementation of hook_taxonomy_menu_options().
 * @return array
 *  Uses the value to set the variable taxonomy_menu_<value>_$vid
 *  $options[value]
 *   default - optional.  this is what will be used if the varialbe is not set.
 *            if empty then FALSE is used
 *   #title - required.
 *   any other form element
function taxonomy_menu_taxonomy_menu_options() {
  $options['sync'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Synchronise changes to this vocabulary'),
    '#description' => t('Every time a term is added/deleted/modified, the corresponding menu link will be altered too.'),
    'default' => TRUE,
  $options['display_num'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Display number of items'),
    '#description' => t('Display the number of items per taxonomy terms. Will not show up for vocabulary menu items.'),
    'default' => FALSE,
  $options['hide_empty_terms'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Hide empty terms'),
    '#description' => t('Hide terms with no items attached to them.'),
    'default' => FALSE,
  $options['voc_item'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Add item for vocabulary'),
    '#description' => t('Shows the vocabulary name as the top level menu item of the taxonomy menu.'),
    'default' => TRUE,
  $options['expanded'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Auto expand menu items'),
    '#description' => t('Automatically show all menu items as expanded.'),
    'default' => TRUE,
  $options['voc_name'] = array(
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#title' => t('Custom name for vocabulary item'),
    '#description' => t('Changes the name of the vocabulary item (if enabled above). Leave blank to use the name of the vocabulary.'),
    'default' => '',
  $options['display_descendants'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Display descendants'),
    '#description' => t('Changes the default path to taxonomy/term/tid+tid+tid for all terms thave have child terms.'),
    'default' => FALSE,
  $options['blank_title'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Do not create title link attribute.'),
    '#description' => t("Do not create the link['options']['attributes']['title'] on the link array."),
    'default' => FALSE,
  $options['end_all'] = array(
    '#title' => t("Use 'all' at the end of URL"),
    'default' => FALSE,
    '#description' => t('This changes tid+tid+tid to "All" in term when <em>Display descendants</em> has been selected.<br />Only used if <em>Menu path type</em> is "Default path".<br />Works with default taxonomy page.'),
  $options['depth_limit'] = array(
    '#title' => t('Depth limit'),
    '#type' => 'textfield',
    '#description' => t('Limit how many levels of the taxonomy tree to process. Useful if you have a very large tree of taxonomy terms, and only want to provide a menu for the first two levels. 0 for no limit.'),
    '#size' => 5,
    'default' => 0,
  return $options;

 * Implementation of hook_translated_menu_link_alter().
 * Translate menu links on the fly by using term translations.
function taxonomy_menu_translated_menu_link_alter(&$item, $map) {
  if (module_exists('i18ntaxonomy')) {

    // in case of localized terms, use term translation for menu title
    if ($item['module'] == 'taxonomy_menu') {

      // @todo check vocabulary translation mode before tryring to translate: but is this really usefull ?
      //  if (i18ntaxonomy_vocabulary($vid) == I18N_TAXONOMY_LOCALIZE) {
      $t = _taxonomy_menu_get_item($item['mlid']);
      if ($t['tid'] > 0) {

        // this is a term
        $term = taxonomy_get_term($t['tid']);
        if (!$term) {
          $info = array(
            'tid' => $t['tid'],
            'vid' => $t['vid'],
            'mlid' => $item['mlid'],

          // menu items from taxonomy menu module can not be deleted manually
          watchdog('error', 'You deleted a term, but not the corresponding menu item @menuitem. The menu item was deleted.', array(
            '@menuitem' => $item['title'],
        $display_num = '';
        $num = _taxonomy_menu_term_count($t['tid']);

        // if hide menu is selected and the term count is 0 and the term has no children then do not create the menu item
        if ($num == 0 && variable_get('taxonomy_menu_hide_empty_terms_' . $t['vid'], FALSE) && !_taxonomy_menu_children_has_nodes($t['tid'], $t['vid'])) {
          $display_num = '';
        elseif (variable_get('taxonomy_menu_display_num_' . $t['vid'], FALSE)) {

          // if number > 0 and display decendants, then count all of the children
          if (variable_get('taxonomy_menu_display_descendants_' . $t['vid'], FALSE)) {
            $num = taxonomy_term_count_nodes($t['tid']);
          $display_num = " ({$num})";

        // Run the name through check_plain
        $title = tt('taxonomy:term:' . $term->tid . ':name', $term->name . $display_num);
        if ($item['title'] != $term->name . $display_num) {

          // Should not happen
          watchdog('error', t('Menu and taxonomy name mismatch: @title != @name', array(
            '@title' => $item['title'],
            '@name' => $term->name . $display_num,
      else {

        // is a vocabulary
        $vocab = taxonomy_vocabulary_load($t['vid']);
        $title = tt('taxonomy:vocabulary:' . $vocab->vid . ':name', $vocab->name);

      // Set the title
      $item['link_title'] = $title;
      $item['title'] = $title;


Namesort descending Description
taxonomy_menu_create_path Create the path for the vid/tid combination.
taxonomy_menu_form_alter Implementation of hook_form_alter().
taxonomy_menu_handler HANDLING
taxonomy_menu_nodeapi Implementation of hook_nodeapi().
taxonomy_menu_path_default Callback for hook_taxonomy_menu_path
taxonomy_menu_taxonomy Implementation of hook_taxonomy().
taxonomy_menu_taxonomy_menu_delete hook_taxonomy_menu_delete
taxonomy_menu_taxonomy_menu_insert Implementation of hook_taxonomy_menu_insert().
taxonomy_menu_taxonomy_menu_options Implementation of hook_taxonomy_menu_options().
taxonomy_menu_taxonomy_menu_path hook_taxonomy_menu_path. Invoked from _taxonomy_menu_get_paths.
taxonomy_menu_taxonomy_menu_update Implementation of hook_taxonomy_menu_update().
taxonomy_menu_translated_menu_link_alter Implementation of hook_translated_menu_link_alter().
taxonomy_menu_vocab_submit Submit handler for the extra settings added to the taxonomy vocab form.
_taxonomy_menu_check_variable Checks to see if the variable has changed.
_taxonomy_menu_children_has_nodes Helper function to see if any of the children have any nodes
_taxonomy_menu_create_item Create the inital $item array
_taxonomy_menu_create_options Creates a form array of taxonomy menu options
_taxonomy_menu_get_paths Create the path to use in the menu item
_taxonomy_menu_insert_link_items Creates new link items for the vocabulary
_taxonomy_menu_item Helper function for insert and update hooks
_taxonomy_menu_nodeapi_helper Helper function to
_taxonomy_menu_rebuild rebuilds a menu
_taxonomy_menu_save Add/Update a taxonomy menu item.
_taxonomy_menu_update_link_items Update the menu items