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function _taxonomy_menu_admin in Taxonomy menu 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 5 \_taxonomy_menu_admin()

Admin area. Configure the module, setting which vocabularies will be converted into menus items

Return value

Array. The form fields.

1 string reference to '_taxonomy_menu_admin'
_taxonomy_menu_menu in ./
Implementation of hook_menu().


./, line 18
@author Jonathan Chaffer <> @author Bruno Massa <> It Generates menu links for all taxonomy terms


function _taxonomy_menu_admin(&$form_state) {
  $options = array(
    TAXONOMY_MENU_NONE => t('No'),
    TAXONOMY_MENU_NORMAL => t('Normal'),

  // If the Views module is enabled, add some special
  // new features
  if (module_exists('views')) {

    // Add a new options on Categories
    $options[TAXONOMY_MENU_VIEW] = t('Views');

    // Now get a list of Views
    foreach (views_get_all_views() as $view => $viewdata) {
      $views_list[$view] = $viewdata->name;

  // If the Taxonomy Default module is enabled, add some special
  // new features
  if (module_exists('taxonomy_defaults')) {
    $options[TAXONOMY_MENU_DEFAULT_TAX] = t('Module types');

  // Create some options for each of the vocabularies
  foreach (taxonomy_get_vocabularies() as $vocab) {
    $form[$vocab->vid] = array(
      '#title' => $vocab->name,
      '#tree' => FALSE,
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
    $form[$vocab->vid]['taxonomy_menu_show_' . $vocab->vid] = array(
      '#default_value' => variable_get('taxonomy_menu_show_' . $vocab->vid, TAXONOMY_MENU_NONE),
      '#options' => $options,
      '#title' => t('Show this category in menu'),
      '#type' => 'radios',

    // In case of View options selected, select Views
    if (module_exists('views')) {
      $form[$vocab->vid]['taxonomy_menu_show_views_' . $vocab->vid] = array(
        '#default_value' => variable_get('taxonomy_menu_show_views_' . $vocab->vid, ''),
        '#options' => $views_list,
        '#title' => t('Views available'),
        '#type' => 'select',

  // General options
  $form['taxonomy_menu_display_page'] = array(
    '#default_value' => variable_get('taxonomy_menu_display_page', 'category'),
    '#description' => t('How should be the first item on the menu? Example: categories/1/2/3, technology/1/2/3'),
    '#title' => t('Module page'),
    '#type' => 'textfield',
  $form['taxonomy_menu_display_num'] = array(
    '#default_value' => variable_get('taxonomy_menu_display_num', FALSE),
    '#description' => t('If checked, number of node per term will be displayed in the menu.'),
    '#title' => t('Display number of nodes per terms'),
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
  $form['taxonomy_menu_hide_empty'] = array(
    '#default_value' => variable_get('taxonomy_menu_hide_empty', FALSE),
    '#description' => t('If checked, only taxonomy terms with members will be shown in the menu.'),
    '#title' => t('Hide Empty Terms'),
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
  $form['taxonomy_menu_display_descendants'] = array(
    '#default_value' => variable_get('taxonomy_menu_display_descendants', TRUE),
    '#description' => t('If checked, then when a term is selected all nodes belonging to subterms are also displayed.'),
    '#title' => t('Display descendants'),
    '#type' => 'checkbox',
  $form['submit'] = array(
    '#type' => 'submit',
    '#value' => t('Save configuration'),
  return $form;