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function _taxonomy_manager_tree_term_children_count in Taxonomy Manager 6

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 6.2 taxonomy_manager.module \_taxonomy_manager_tree_term_children_count()
  2. 7 taxonomy_manager.module \_taxonomy_manager_tree_term_children_count()



Return value

children count

2 calls to _taxonomy_manager_tree_term_children_count()
taxonomy_manager_tree_build_form in ./taxonomy_manager.module
recursive function for building nested form array with checkboxes and weight forms for each term
taxonomy_manager_tree_term_extra_info in ./taxonomy_manager.module
returns some additional information about the term which gets added to the link title


./taxonomy_manager.module, line 589
Taxonomy Manager


function _taxonomy_manager_tree_term_children_count($tid) {
  return db_result(db_query("SELECT COUNT(tid) FROM {term_hierarchy} WHERE parent = %d", $tid));