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function taxonomy_entity_index_entity_views_revisionable in Taxonomy Entity Index 8

Determine if the views plugins should support revisions.


array $entity_keys: The entity keys for the type being checked.

Return value

bool True indicates revisions should be supported.

1 call to taxonomy_entity_index_entity_views_revisionable()
taxonomy_entity_index_views_data_alter in ./
Implements hook_views_data_alter().


./taxonomy_entity_index.module, line 314
Module file for taxonomy_entity_index.


function taxonomy_entity_index_entity_views_revisionable(array $entity_keys) {

  // Return false if revision support isn't enabled.
  $config = \Drupal::config('taxonomy_entity_index.settings');
  if (empty($config
    ->get('index_revisions'))) {
    return FALSE;

  // Does the entity support revisions?
  if (!empty($entity_keys['revision'])) {
    return TRUE;

  // Default to false.
  return FALSE;