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function taxonomy_edge_get_root_pid in Taxonomy Edge 7.2

Get the path id for the root node in the tree. If root node is not present, create it and return that


integer $vid: Vocabulary ID

Return value

integer Path ID

2 calls to taxonomy_edge_get_root_pid()
taxonomy_edge_rebuild_edges in ./
Rebuild entire edge list.
views_join_term_edge::build_join in views_taxonomy_edge/handlers/
Build the SQL for the join this object represents.


./taxonomy_edge.module, line 766
Selecting all children of a given taxonomy term can be a pain. This module makes it easier to do this, by maintaining a complete list of edges for each term using the adjecency matrix graph theory.


function taxonomy_edge_get_root_pid() {
  static $pid = NULL;
  if (!$pid) {
    $pid = db_query("SELECT pid FROM {taxonomy_term_edge_path} WHERE tid = 0")
    if (!$pid) {

      // Initial path
      $root = new stdClass();
      $root->tid = 0;
      $root->parent = 0;
      $root->vid = 0;
      drupal_write_record('taxonomy_term_edge_path', $root);
      $pid = $root->pid;
  return $pid;