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function taxonomy_display_plugins in Taxonomy display 7

Retrieve an array of Taxonomy Display plugins.


null|string $type: Only retrieve plugins of a specific type, expected values 'term', 'associated', and 'breadcrumb'. By default, NULL, this will return an array with all.

Return value

array|void If an expected value is provided for $type, or no value is provided, an array will be returned. If an unexpected value is provided nothing will be returned.

1 call to taxonomy_display_plugins()
_taxonomy_display_admin_form_build_plugin_form in ./
Helper function; build the admin form for plugins.


./taxonomy_display.module, line 178
Hooks for the taxonomy display module.


function taxonomy_display_plugins($type = NULL) {
  $plugins = module_invoke_all('taxonomy_display_plugins');

  // Expose our retrieved plugins to altering.
  drupal_alter('taxonomy_display_plugins', $plugins);
  if (is_null($type)) {
    return $plugins;
  if (array_key_exists($type, $plugins)) {
    return $plugins[$type];